Is it normal to ask questions on isitnormal?
So... is it normal to ask questions on isitnormal? Asking for a friend
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So... is it normal to ask questions on isitnormal? Asking for a friend
Nothing is normal on is it normal so why would you do normal things on is it normal then ask is it normal on is it normal and expect a normal answer to your not normal question on is it normal
Nah bro, that shit's fucked up...
What kind of weirdo would ask questions on here? XD
Well sometimes this forum give people the opportunity to ask questions anonymously they wont be able to elsewhere, i respect that. But at the same times sometimes it goes too far with people needing help with deadly medical conditions such as Cancer, which is something only to be asked to professional doctors, and to my knowledge there arent any such here. So its a 50-50 from me.