Is it normal to avoid my problems all the time?

is it normal to run away from my problems instead of tackling them head on? i hate confrontations, and im afraid of rejection. i always find an alternative solution to my problems, so i won't have to confront anyone or anything. i feel that by avoiding my problems, they will go away. but lately i am wondering if doing this is really a good thing, or will this later lead to terrible repercussions?

for example, i am 20 years old and i have never dated or had a boyfriend. back in middle school, guys were repulsed by me. in high school, not so much, but the guys i liked never liked me. guys weren't nice to me and sometimes would say, "eww" when i would walk by or they'd laugh at me. it would make me want to cry. well, when i turned 18, i started changing and apparently i looked much better, even now because i get plenty of male attention, except i'm not interested in those guys. so here's where i tend to run away from the situation. when im interested in someone, i never talk to them or anything. in fact, i try to go unnoticed, although its impossible for me. i get so nervous, i just look down, and i never make any effort to show interest in them. i try to act uninterested. i am so scared of them finding out i am interested in them so they can just be rude and reject me and make me cry. i don't think i can handle rejection anymore. i would just get depressed and i hate being sad. so i never show interest in them and i force myself to move on. or if i can't, i hold it in. i would think if they liked me, they'd try to talk to me right? but they don't. i just don't think the guys i am interested would like me.

so there. that's one situation where i just avoid confrontation. is it normal? is it bad to keep avoiding situations like this?

and other areas i tend to stay away from:
-socializing (i think i might have social anxiety. im so afraid of socializing because im scared of being betrayed like i have in the past.)
-confronting people

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Comments ( 2 )
  • abominus566

    well my friend, you cannot avoid your problems all the time. because they will always be there if ignored or not. a solution should be made or all of these things will weigh you down for as long as you have them on your mind, even if you dont have them on mind your predicaments will find a way to show them selves at unexpected moments. so in my opinion it is better to solve you problems when your can and a quick as possable

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  • q25t

    A female version of me. What do you know?

    There aren't really that many possible solutions to this scenario. You can try to come out of your shell a little bit and risk a little for potential gain (a relationship). You can also try dating sites or something similar. It would be rather obvious if someone's interested that way, and it bypasses most of the problems that you seem to have with talking to people.

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