Is it normal to avoid my problems all the time?
is it normal to run away from my problems instead of tackling them head on? i hate confrontations, and im afraid of rejection. i always find an alternative solution to my problems, so i won't have to confront anyone or anything. i feel that by avoiding my problems, they will go away. but lately i am wondering if doing this is really a good thing, or will this later lead to terrible repercussions?
for example, i am 20 years old and i have never dated or had a boyfriend. back in middle school, guys were repulsed by me. in high school, not so much, but the guys i liked never liked me. guys weren't nice to me and sometimes would say, "eww" when i would walk by or they'd laugh at me. it would make me want to cry. well, when i turned 18, i started changing and apparently i looked much better, even now because i get plenty of male attention, except i'm not interested in those guys. so here's where i tend to run away from the situation. when im interested in someone, i never talk to them or anything. in fact, i try to go unnoticed, although its impossible for me. i get so nervous, i just look down, and i never make any effort to show interest in them. i try to act uninterested. i am so scared of them finding out i am interested in them so they can just be rude and reject me and make me cry. i don't think i can handle rejection anymore. i would just get depressed and i hate being sad. so i never show interest in them and i force myself to move on. or if i can't, i hold it in. i would think if they liked me, they'd try to talk to me right? but they don't. i just don't think the guys i am interested would like me.
so there. that's one situation where i just avoid confrontation. is it normal? is it bad to keep avoiding situations like this?
and other areas i tend to stay away from:
-socializing (i think i might have social anxiety. im so afraid of socializing because im scared of being betrayed like i have in the past.)
-confronting people