Is it normal to avoid people's eyes
I am constantly avoiding people's eyes. It makes me uncomfortable to look at people in the eye or to have them look at me.
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I am constantly avoiding people's eyes. It makes me uncomfortable to look at people in the eye or to have them look at me.
Eyes are beautiful. I have trouble trusting or respecting someone who dosent look me in the eyes.
I dislike this comment because many people think that way, and automatically deem me untrustworthy. I avoid eye contact from habit of past drug use. Although I no longer use drugs, I still find myself avoiding eye contact. I'm working on that, but sometimes when I notice I'm not using eye contact, I feel like I over-do it and I'm freaking the other person out. Also I have a friend that I was talking to about this once, and she mentioned she doesn't do well with eye contact either because she was abused as a kid. In some cases no eye contact can mean someone is lying or you can't trust them, but I wanted to mention this so people can keep an open mind about possible reasons.
Well, true. I loved the color of my 5th grade teacher's eyes! They were like olive color!
Currently, the only person I am comfortable enough to make good/prolonged eye contact is my therapist. Her eyes are just so gorgeous but, I often worry about looking into them for too long. I read somewhere that if you look into someone's eyes for 5minutes or longer, you'll make them think that you like them.
It took me a while to be able to have good I contact with her. I think that a large part was that I was ashamed of things that I would tell her and I didn't know how she would react. Now I know that my fear is pretty much unfounded.
With everyone else, I don't think it has to do with shame. It was my fear that people would be able to peer into my soul as the eyes are the windows to the soul, and that they would somehow be able to read my mind.
Yah. I'm super shy, but not on this site because no one could see our faces... Unless... If there's people watching us from our computer cameras...
More info needed: WHY does it make you uncomfortable? Are you ashamed of something? Do you feel as if they can "figure something out" about you that you prefer they don't?
Try looking yourself in the eyes in a mirror. Note closely any resistance.
I went through a childhood of severe physical and psychological abuse and I avoid eye contact at all times, generally if I do look at people it seems to creep them out.
I think it is normal if you have had a history as you mentioned above. I didn't use drugs, but I used to have an issue when I was really young with connecting my eyes. One was me being really self concious, and it just felt odd looking into peoples eyes, and I never knew if I had to do it continually. It was just a confidence issue. But as I've grown older, I feel like if you can build a trust with someone it is easier to look them in the eyes, I've noticed it's gotten easier. I know when I connect eyes, it lets me know that they are listening, but it also connects me, and puts me on a level field with them. Try to make mental notes of what really connects you eye to eye. Sometimes you may not realize yourself connecting with your eyes, and those are the most special moments. Whether your laughing, talking about life experiences, reavealing stuff, whatever whatever, take note of that. See where you feel comfortable making eye contact.