Is it normal to bang my head and rub my thumb?

I lost my cabbage patch in 1996(lala i miss you) so i started the habit of banging my head to sleep and peeling rubbing my thumb all day (loosing the top layer only, never to a bleeding point) and rubbing on my face alot. its either always smooth or rough skin and its 15 years later and i still cant stop. My neighbors bang at night because head bed rocking can be quit loud, am i alone. People might think im weird for always rubbing my hand in my face it took me a while to write this because im doing it now. On top of it i suck my tounge and have scholiosis you can imagine how akward I hold my self around people. I wear gloves to work to make it less noticable an simetimes ill do it anyway. My teacher once said in front of class " me retiring is like her stopping that thumb to face habbit" im almost 21 and it wont stop.( who ever saw "IT" the clown movie about Derry the chubby boy who becomes a director does it on the roof).

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12% Normal
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Comments ( 3 )
  • MaestroJohan

    In truth it sounds like OCD. I suffer from mild OCD and have a few odd ticks like that to. You may want to see a specialist about it they can be a big help.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Your teacher is a jerk.
    People have little things they do to comfort themselves. What you do may be uncommon, but it's nowhere near as strange as people think it is. Nobody should criticise you for it. Unfortunately, shallow is the new black.
    Though, I'm curious; When you say 'bang your head', do you mean you move it back it back and forth, or do hit it against something?

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  • Samson

    I have never heard of this before and i don't know what to tell. Is it that you like and just want to know what others think or are you just throwing this habit out there for "shits and giggles"? Cause i don't think this is normal. <BR><BR><BR>A bad habit i used to have is i would bite skin of my big toes. And eat it.....Needless to say i found out after telling one of my friends about it that it wasn't normal and just like *Snaps fingers* that i stopped.

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