Is it normal to be 99% athiest

I say 99% because no one can be 100% sure of any difinitive answer on this topic. I just want to know is it normal to be Athiest and have no belief system at all. I'm a good person do chaity and volenteer work and have high morals and care about everybody. I'm well educated and I don't hate anyone so I at least think i'm a pretty good person not perfect for sure but I'm not evil like most people try and say athiest are. I have people assume I'm a killer or evil and stuff like that just because I'm godless. So I really just wanna know. Is it normal/ok to be athiest?

Voting Results
84% Normal
Based on 85 votes (71 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • chicken471bologna

    Anything less than 100% Atheist is Agnostic dumbass!

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  • black127

    It's kinds hard to believe in God especially when your 20 and have already had a rough life. Yeah some people say oh it's just a test of your faith well why don't God test everyones faith that way. As for the reply to my earlier comment I gurantee majority of ppl believe in God just so they go to heaven, u always here oh i helped these people now I'm guranteed a spot in heaven or I go to church every week now I'm definately goin to heaven.

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  • black127

    I say it's better to believe there's somtin and have a shot at a good afterlife then believe in nothin and get royally fucked. I mean u got nothin to loose y not believe in somtin I'll believe in god until they can prove shit cause least I'll be safe and not get fucked like all the people that believe in nothin.

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  • House

    I'm exactly like you!!I'm a good person and i know it, and most of the people i know believe in god and they are badddddddddd very badddddddddd people! I hate them!that's my only flaw!but i don't think it's bad to hate drunks, stupid and mean people...You're very normal.

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  • Star

    You don't have to believe there is no god to be an athiest. You just don't believe there's enough evidence to say there is.

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  • islander101

    ThatsRight77 you are 100% convinced or "believe" god exists not 100% know god exists. There is no legitamit accepted Proof. Unless you have some new evidence your holding back on.

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  • jcunningham18

    I think to identify as atheist you believe that there is absolutely no God or any other god. You don't even believe in a higher power. I identify as Agnostic. It means you believe there is a higher power, you're just unsure which one is the true "god." Since you say you're not 100% positive you don't believe anything, maybe you should consider Agnosticism. I think it's a happy medium between positive there is and positive there isn't something out there.

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    • shikaka

      jcunningham18-i think if you believe there is a god but not sure which your theist, not agonstic. agnostic is you dont know and cant ever know while alive.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    The word you are looking for is Agnostic. An Agnostic is a person that might doubt the existence of god but not be sure he does not exist. Atheist and Agnostic is not the same thing. I will set it up on the scale. We have Atheist which is a complete disbelief and hatred for all religion. We have the religion that obviously believes in god. Than we have in the middle the Agnostic that does not believe it can be proven either way. The Agnostic believe their may be one but their may not. That their is not enough solid evidence to give a yes or no answer.

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  • I was baptized when I was younger, As i got older I didn't really believe what was being said in christian church I made my decision that I didn't believe in god when I was only a teenager. Even though I was baptized I think of it a just falling in a pool of water nothing more.

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  • dom180

    I am like this too, but luckily most of the people that I meet ate either Atheist as well or at least tolerant of me.

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  • Nakkiel

    If a god exists then you wouldn't be godless simply because it created you. If there is no god then we are all godless. Religious communities that accuse atheists of being soulless puppy killing monsters are simply trying to use fear to subvert free will. Most of these religions aren't actually being followed fully by the people claiming to be followers..

    You can very well not believe in a god but still have faith that if you are wrong and one exists it will understand why you did not believe.

    On a side note what real advantage is there in announcing you are atheist if you are surrounded by believers. I get the feeling of wanting to be true to yourself, but often it is not worth being ostracized from your community. Its not fair, but thankfully the world is slowly becoming less bigoted against other beliefs.

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  • neskic

    It is normal (according to my view on life)... You can be a nice person without believing in god as much as somebody can be a firm believer who ended killing people or feeling jealous or i dont know what. It is great to be a good personn only for you and others. I mean you dont to it because you fear a punition or want to please god, you do it because of your own conviction, without another conviction like hoping to go to heaven. Actually in my country we are millions of atheist and will be more and more. Christians nearly dissapear over here in france... (you had to considere recent generation, actually 90 year old people for most of them do believe in god. But dont 'pratique' their religion...go to church, etc)

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  • zxy

    Of course theres nothing wrong with being an atheist, Its sounds like your in a part of the world where atheism is rare and people are tough on atheists. Rest assured there are allot of country's where atheism is very common and people who are religious dont take it very seriously. Being religious and being a good person are completely unrelated, id even say most religions teach allot of negative beliefs.
    Im an atheist if your didn't already realize

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  • Equals_BioNet

    "I'm a hopeful agnostic" - Malcomb from Malcomb in the Middle

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  • CiroPost

    I guess your unsure of yourself, you need to be true to your self and find an answer.

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  • genro

    I am 100% Christian and yes I have been tested and struggled with it...There are wonderful people from all walks of life, cultures, religion/non religions... Instead of "looking" for answers study different faiths and religion. You may be surprised you just may find Jesus. But I would look at it as educating yourself. You don't believe in God so u really don't have anything to lose :)

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  • BeeAgent

    no its not! an athiest believes there *IS* no god.
    99% would be agnostic!

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  • klb

    There is no God. Enjoy your life, continue to be a good person, make the most out of every day. If there is a 'God' then, apparently, according to religious people, He will 'love' you no matter what.

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  • XJayX

    Religion/no religion is compleatly your choice. As long as your religion is to kill everyone you see (anything close to or around that) than I'd say any religion is fine.

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  • Justdreaming

    lol, what a wild question. Have you never met another atheist before? You're weird for asking if it's okay to believe in what you want to believe.

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  • repoCat19

    Black u can't just say that cuz now you truly don't believe. It's called faith that you my friend. However I'm looking for god to

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  • bbemko49

    You can be 100 percent sure because I am 100 percent there is a god. If you are a good person then mayb you should start looking into things and find god. And let him into ur heart

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  • Hey welcome to the club

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  • I'm 100% sure God exsists. So you don't have to be 99%, you can be 100%

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  • There's a god

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