Is it normal to be 25 and play videogames like an 1hr everyday?

I'm 25 and I play video games on PS3 like an hour or so maybe everyday... is not everyday.

Voting Results
86% Normal
Based on 133 votes (114 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • japanman41


    Seriously? Your mom plays videogames?? Wow your life is amazing!!!!

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  • OatmealCP

    Nope. Sorry, this is NOT normal. 25 years old and playing video games for 1 hour a day?? You need to play for at LEAST 3 hours if you're gonna truly master Mortal Kombat!

    All jokes aside, there is absolutely nothing wrong with video games. No matter what the media or FOX news wants to tell you, it is perfectly normal to be a gamer at ANY age. Pretty strange how it's more socially acceptable for a person to sit down in front of a TV and watch a 5 hour marathon of Jersey Shore than it is for a gamer to play a video game for an hour or so. Don't worry about it though; games are just as much of a useful artform as any movie or book is- an anyone who says differently has no clue what they're talking about.

    P.S- My mother always whips my butt in First-Person-Shooter games XDD

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  • Josie_57

    yeah its fine, video games are fun for all ages :) as long as your not playing obsesively or anything its cool

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    According to Gameinformer magazine the average gammer age is 35 so your good for the next 10 years.

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  • Clickclock

    It is normal for any age group to indulge in any video gaming at any time they feel comfortable with. There isnt any social restrictions or prejudice over it, you need not worry =)

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  • disthing

    It's not normal to only play it for 1 hr :D I don't play video games often but once I press the power button I'm there for a good 3 or 4 hours.

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  • ImNotHere

    i think ofc its normal...IMO i dont give a crap what age i am..if im gonna spend 250-300$ oh a gaming system, i dare someone to give me crap about playing it everyday >.> ill go off on them! >.<

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  • japanman41

    Well it sounds like you have a stabled time limit to manage your time in a day. Which is a good thing. I like video games but I don't think it is normal to spend three hours or more as a daily basis.

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  • dappled

    I used to write games and have never lost my interest. I'll be playing them until the day I die. Plenty of people think they're just for kids, though. I take that as a compliment.

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  • Noonesperfect

    Still pissed psn been down like 2 weeks!!

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