Is it normal to be 17 years old and love classic literature
Im only 17 years old and i love reading with a passion and love reading classics and very 'adult' books, its vary rare i meet someone who loves reading as much as me
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Im only 17 years old and i love reading with a passion and love reading classics and very 'adult' books, its vary rare i meet someone who loves reading as much as me
I don't remember the last time I picked up a modern book. I love the classics. :) I'm 19.
Maybe see if your library has a book club - then you'd meet some of your fellow book-worms! Otherwise - a totally awesome, mind growing & worthy hobby
I am so pissed with the emount of people who dont read!, i am 16 and i cant think of anything more better then sitting down outside or inside with a really good novel....some times people say oh i read, so i ask them what books and they say "Heat" and "Hello" i just shout at em.. loL!
Absolutely normal! I'm 19 and grew up on classics and just admire the depth and originality of the stories. All my friends are like "What's Little Women, Great Expectation, and the Yearling?" People have no idea what I'm talking about, and they're missing out! Keep it up! It's a great hobby!
Yeah I read Shakespeare's hamlet Julius Caesar Macbeth merchant of Venice ect and all the classics. To top it all of out of my class of 215 I am the only one that actually reads for enjoyment so I can never talk about them.
This is absolutely normal. Everyone loves their own thing and this is what you love. If anyone ever makes fun of how much you read, don't listen to them. People who read alot have a large vocabulary. Age has nothing to do with interests.
i totally know what you're talking about. i am the same age as you and i can never find one person who appreciates a good book like "A Farewell to Arms" or "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn". Don't worry you'll find so many other people like you eventually. Just keep on going.
I used to be in your shoes. I went to a very small school(about 150 students) and I was the only one in my class that ever read simply for the pleasure of it. I think you should be proud to have the intelligence and attention span to enjoy such excellent novels =D
I like classic literature too. Its way better than half the books that come out these days (like Twilight, come on!) :)
I'm one of those people! I'm only 13 and I have already read Oliver Twist, Dracula, a couple Shakespearean plays, Little Women, To Kill A Mockingbird, etc. Keep reading, and don't let anyone tell you to stop.
It's very normal. You just haven't found those people! But there are a lot out there. Keep reading!