Is it normal to be a 17 year old virgin

I feel such pressure to not be a virgin! I'm 17 and still haven't had sex... I know some of you will say "wait till marriage" "do it when your ready" "wait for someone special" etc etc but I want to have sex NOW and not be the last virgin. I know there are 20 yea old virgins. I don't want to be one of them! And I won't regret doing it. Is it normal?

Voting Results
86% Normal
Based on 992 votes (858 yes)
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Comments ( 65 )
  • theres a lot of pressure nowadays on guys to have sex. i think virgins are hot. personal preference but if u dont want to then dont be pressured into it

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  • astrang21

    Of course it's normal! I'm a seventeen year old girl, and I'm a virgin too. It's not because I want to wait until marraige or because I'm scared or don't want to. I just haven't gotten around to it. Lol. I mean, there are other things to do, (foreplay, etc) so idk. It'll happen eventually, when you're with someone special.

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  • I am 17 and I am virgin too. what´s the big deal?? when you have someone to do it, just do it.

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    • Aderogba1977

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  • smilez

    I'm a 19 year old virgin...I also feel pressure to have sex, but I want to do it on my own terms.

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  • toribaby

    What the heck your only 17! No one needs to be having sex at 17 it leads to bad things like STDS amd teen pregnancy dont be stupid and live your life!

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  • radishbobby84

    as long as your with somebody you like does it matter how long you have to wait to have sex? no you don't need have sex at 17 if your with somebody you really like and think you'll marry sometime down the road, don't rush these things!! it could ruin your life trust me...good luck with what ever you decide to do

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  • prrp

    I was EXACTlY the same as you, being a virgin at that age made me really unhappy- or at least when i was in a self-pitying mood. But at the same time i didn't actively try to loose it, just because it would have been so out of character for me. I say go out as much as possible, talk to as many people as possible, and the opportunity WILL present itself because frankly most guys are up for sex/ girls in general. however, don't just give it away to some asshole, just don't get hurt. As for the 'last virgin' fear, i know you might feel left out, but who beyond your closest friends really knows anyone else for sure, think and act like you're not and people will presume you aren't, in any case you'll never be the absolute last one.

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  • Sturmführer

    It's best to wait until the age of consent (18 for most places). Having sex is great, but you shouldn't feel pressured into it.

    Besides, take into consideration that you aren't pregnant, nor have you gotten any one pregnant. You're also STD free, a fact some of your non-virgin friends can no longer claim.

    Sex is great, but virginity is great too. Trust me, if you find someone you really like one day and they find out you're a virgin, you can bet that your first time will be something worth remembering, rather than the forgettable and dissatisfying two minutes most first timers experience in a dirty hotel room or back of a crappy car.

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  • nat200

    ....I'm a 20 year old virgin so wtf?

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  • Aterangelus

    Its not a big deal to be a Virgin and the more desperate you act the less likely you are to get some so just chill out when it happens it happens.

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  • Celena

    Yes it is normal. I have a friend who is 25 and still a virgin. I don't think you should just have sex with a random person just to get it over with. you should be in love with someone and do it when you are both ready.

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  • missme42

    Ha I'm with you! And it's not about being a bad person or anything. I had always planned to lose mine to someone older, that I wouldn't have to deal with again (using a condom of course!) I ended up doing it with a really close friend, and we're still really close, but just friends. So don't RISK anything, and do wait til you're ready, but that readiness might now be being in love or whatever.

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  • steph19913

    Ummm yea your only 17 god younger people in this generation descust me

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    • Bubbles-for-life

      *disgust :P

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  • Renamon

    It's perfectly normal. I'm 18 and barely have an interest to look for someone with whom I can have sex. Go on, get laid :)

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  • Waitwaitwait....... You feel pressure at 14?!?

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  • It may be normal to not be a vergin at 17 nowadays, but it is the wrong thing to do. And ever since puberty started, you want to have sex.

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  • user721

    You may need to lower your standards (for a while). Rate your attractiveness from 1-10. Then imagine who you would be going after if you were one or two numbers lower. Sleep with someone in this category to get your confidence going and then work your way up. The main thing is: relax! If you get to 21 without getting laid, call an escort. Until then, just have fun.

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  • littlepanda

    17?! It TOTALLY normal! I cannot believe that some people can think that it couldn't be!

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  • Ozzyy

    Im a 18 year old virgin and want to show my average hard dick to pretty girls but just want to find a right one ;)

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  • elenaki

    I lost my virginity at 17. With a friend. No relationship came after it, but to this day I haven't regretted a second of it.

    The important thing is actually wanting to have sex, when the oportunity comes. I was frustrated with my virginity beforehand just like you, but had I not wanted to have sex with that guy that very moment, I know I'd regret it. So, yeah, it's normal, I've been there, just make sure you have sex more than once with your first so that you won't be in pain when you do it again

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  • rclay1992

    with my luck i will die a virgin join the club

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  • noodle76

    well, think of it this way,

    would you rather be 27 and find that one special person,
    or be 13 and fuck everything that crosses your path?

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  • Gregtheegg

    I lost my virginity aged 18 (I'm now 19) so I was a virgin when I was 17 too. Honestly, I don't think I could have lost it much sooner because I lived with my religious parents till then and the logistics would have been difficult, but I doubt it's because I was a particularly weird or abnormal child or anything like that.

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  • zoee12

    I'm in the same situation but I still want my first time to be special. I can't give you much info to help only bc I feel the EXACT same but you aren't the only one out there! :)

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  • 1985

    I don't get a question: is it normal you are virgin; is it normal you want sex even though you are just 17; or is it normal you want sex but still are virgin?

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  • alv1592

    of course it's normal. what's not normal is that you want to do it right away. wait until you find someone you care about, then it will be more powerful when it happens.

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  • I feel the same way. (I'm a girl, btw) But I think there is more pressure on guys to have sex at a younger age. But honestly, I think you want to do it, because you think a lot of other people are too.

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  • LolSmileyFace3

    Well durr it's normal.(:

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  • supaflyafro

    its perfectly normal. i used to feel the same way but dont do it cuz ur pressured to lose ur virginity. lose it when u feel like it. ppl who will make fun of u for it are assholes

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  • TheBritishBoy

    Seriously, why does it matter if you are or are not "the last virgin"? Virginity isn't some type of disease you have to rid yourself of. Just lose it when your ready and fuck the others. That said, if you want to lose it ASAP, go ahead. If you want to wait, fine. Either way, your not the first person in this predicament and you certainly won't be the last.

    All in all: Don't let others run YOUR life how THEY see fit.

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  • Scrat

    And if you are a girl do the same I just said !!

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  • Scrat

    I'm 19 and a virgin come on if you just want sex hire a whore and fuck her otherwise w8 for the one you love

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  • DES

    Get a viberator the you popped your cherry and you won't get an STD yeah

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  • pinkfingers

    This is dumb. So what if you're a 20 year old virgin? Don't bother bout how others perceive you. I totally agree with's not a competition.

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  • gouchrobinson

    of course it's normal, you're a teenage boy.

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  • jessmartian

    I lost my vCard at seventeen. I was so desperate to see what it was like but I never had a boyfriend. Then I got drunk one night and out of no where there I was. Not a virgin anymore. It'll happen when you least expect it. Just be careful what you wish for. I told myself I didn't regret it. And I wouldn't change a thing, but I do kinda wish i'd waited for someone better.

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  • if you want to have sex becuase your pressured then dont do it but if you want to know how it feels then do it fuck waiting for the right person expirement and see how it feels but if u want to do it becuase your pressured well trust me youll probabley regret losing your virginity when you didnt want to lose it. btw yes its normal.

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  • frend


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    • frend


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  • yessss

    I lost mine at 17 and fortunately he was my true love. Now i dont care with whom i am sleeping with i dont believe in love but it is best if your first one is with someone who really cares about you. Otherwise you may feel bad to honor a jerk. I never regretted or doubted to have sex then though you think 17 is late. In my neighborhood it is not. Just dont do your first one with a random guy.

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  • szmagic

    Just wait and be patient. without patience we are nothing. Hahaha. Do it with someone you truly love, and who cares if other people are having sex before you. It's not a competition

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  • Who has sex at 17?

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  • 14 and I also feel pressure

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    • me too...sad i know.

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  • inlove89

    This iin is sad

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  • tinkerbellprincess

    Damn, wrong topic.

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  • tinkerbellprincess

    I understand that you get pissed when people talk about rape in a joking way, it pisses me off too.
    But I was raped, and I now have rape fantasies. So that doesn't really piss me off when other people say it.

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  • wish-i-wasn't-normal

    peer and social pressures are normal, sadly.

    though i find it un-attractive if my future wife had a lot of sexual experience.
    matter of fact i wouldn't marry someone someone like that.

    now a days sex is underrated, it's become a marketing tool therefor a normal activity.
    i disagree with that and think you should hold off till you meat the right person. might be tomorrow, might be in 30 years, for all i know you might have already lost it by now, but hopefully it was meaningful.

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  • Just wait. Everyone says it's so good but it really isn't

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  • ashwinder

    I didn't lose it till I was 20, there was a lot of pressure at the time and it seemed so important but really it isn't. Stop worrying and enjoy being young whilst you're young.

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  • Kayli

    If you are only 17, you have all the time in the world. Don't feel like you need to have sex right now in order to fit into the standard's of others. If you do have sex just because you feel like "you should" then you will deeply regret it. Although it sounds cliche and like I am preaching to you, it really will be worth the wait if you lose your virginity when you are older.

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  • cassiewa

    You shouldn't care about it too much until ur with someone special!!!!! I know plenty of 25 yr old virgins and that's normal too!

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  • Proudfear

    normal, not a big deal ,im a 20 year old virgin, no one really cares, niether should u (im a guy)

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  • qtoryz

    When I was in high school it seemed like Everyone was having sex. Now when I talk to guys most of them say they didn't do it until after age 18. Usually 19-21. And yes all 17 year old boys think about sex a lot!! Don't worry you'll get there.

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  • ruralfrights

    Normal, but don't expect much if any of a relationship with the person. Sex too soon brings up too much for two people who are still getting to know each other. They sply can't hold the weight of the relationship.

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  • womanwhowenttomars

    don't do it for others' pressure do it for yourself. only u know when u r ready. u can't undo ur virginity so make sure it's the right decision when u do get to do it. most of those ppl around you wont be around when you r in college.

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  • spncrgmn

    Just wait until you found the right guy/girl, nevermind when. What's it matter so long as it's with someone special, regardless of how old or young you may be. No point in having sex now if it's with a guy you don't have actual feelings for.

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  • randomjelly

    If you had to post this "silly" post then you are soooooooo not mature enough for sex. Ugh...ridiculous.

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  • ManIDKBro

    Well if u are goin to consider it pick a fatt ass because there is more coushion for the pushin

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  • Isolated

    It is totally normal to be a virgin at the age of 17. It's not like you're going to be single for the rest of your life. You'll find someone special and you can go on with your life.

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  • YumInsanity

    Dont listen to all these virgins saying its not a big deal of course they'd say that, its the biggest deal in the world! why do you think everyones obsessed with it?! cos its the BEST THING YOU WILL EVER DO IN YOUR LIFE LOSE IT AS FAST AS YOU CAN OR ELSE EVERYONE WILL THINK YOUR A LOSER VIRGIN. Romance has nothing to do with sex thats a load of virgin talk too, as long as your with someone who gets you hard its meant to be!! WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE READING THIS GO LOSE YOUR VIRGINITY NOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW

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  • sparrowfeed


    you're stupid.

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  • crazyshotxxx

    your an idiot

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