Is it normal to be a christian but not hate gays?
We should not hate gays. They are mentally ill. We should put them in institutions. We should pity them. Many gays are troubled unsatisfied people. God created us as heterosexual and regards any other sexual choice, practice or behavior as sin. But God IS Love and Christians are cocooned in his love therefore have no desire to hate anyone. He doesn't hate any of his children. He loves all of his children and has Jesus speak to prophets every now and then to make sure we've got what we need to escape the worst mistakes of life and live according to divine law. He cannot accept homosexual sins, but then he cannot accept heterosexual sins, either. There is no double standard with God. Jesus also loves murderers, rapists, animal abusers, spies, thieves, adulterers, witches, warlocks, necromancers and yes even child molesters. They need Jesus because he is the only one who can wipe that slate clean. Being gay is a choice just as being any of those other things I mentioned is a choice. Being gay is wrong but they need our help to be cured and get better and they can join us in Heaven too.