Is it normal to be a christian comfortable avoiding tv, listening to music?

Since I became a Bolshevik about a week ago, I'm back to Christianity, and I'm not at any time turning non-Christian, at least I think I'm not, I'm also a Puritan like I was 3 weeks ago. That means no theatre or entertainment, no cosmetics, that's right, it's against makeup! Also no dice, card playing, gambling, horse racing, cock fighting etc, no lust, no kissing your wives in public, no sex outside of marriage, but I don't like TV anyway so I just relax listening to classical music instead, and I listen to all forms of rock music and relax to soft rock, but no heavy metal unless it's black metal (I'm a black metal music purist), there are Christians who aren't allowed to watch TV. I can drink alcohol for an hour, namely gin, whisky, cider, beer and wine, and drink in pubs for no longer than half an hour. While listening to such music I could pour a bottle of Scotch in a glass with Pepsi and drink it for an hour right about now, $18 a bottle of Scotch, Johnny Walker Red Label, $21 for a smaller bottle. Furthermore without cinema, theatre, or puppet shows, what I'm left with is good music which I like, while I find comfort in the Old Testament in my brown clothes and in the future, my hat with a buckle on it, is that normal?

Voting Results
7% Normal
Based on 14 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 47 )
  • RoseIsabella

    What about thorazine?

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    • Hansberger

      What's thorazine?

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      • McBean

        It's kind of like lithium. Of course, lithium is the best choice for a fancy man like you.

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        • Hansberger

          No, I don't need either of them, you make me feel stupid!

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  • I see you're experimenting with yet another set of odd restrictions and manners. Didn't you dabble in the occult before? Your life seems like an adventure.

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    • Hansberger

      Yes, my life's an adventure, and I'm still dabbling in the occult, doing magick, why not?

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      • I thought there were verses in the Old Testament that disparage that type of thing, though.

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        • Hansberger

          Yes, there are. But mixing religions, there's nothing wrong with that!

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  • Clunk42

    So you're a communist puritan? Of course you are. Why?

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    • Hansberger

      Because I like private property (not private housing), and a Puritan because it's the only way to heaven, to make my life better, because it's simple, and I've been a Puritan a couple of years ago.

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      • Clunk42

        The way to get to Heaven is to follow to follow the rules set by Jesus and believe in him and God. Also, don't you mean "public" property?

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        • Hansberger

          I read it somewhere in Bolshevism of privately owned property. And a lot of what the Holy Bible says is very corrupt, so I read the Old Testament, which is much more morally sound. And to do what Jesus said is to wander the streets homeless without transport preaching about God, and healing the sick, to do what Jesus did is to live in church, to be Jesus-like is to be rebellious, which means I ought to disobey my mother and father, and honour them, yes, I tried to honour even my mother, but I can't, for such morality that doesn't even work it's ineffective, but is it a lie designed to be evil? Yes! And I'll stop being a Christian except a Bolshevik, which is returning to absolute faith. I can do what I feel, and never try to honour my parents again, or maybe I'll stop being a Christian altogether, because all it's led me to is being enslaved by my parents, and I demand my liberty, the freedom to say no, the freedom to make sure it's what I want when I do it and not what other people want, the freedom to be an evil bastard and watch TV, for from now on I'm against religion, religion only divides us, believe in no god and be an antitheist! Theism is, I'm convinced, evil in every way.

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          • It's like you were born with a bent neck, always having viewed the world with your head slanted to the side. I bet you make complete sense to yourself, but to normies, you sound off and bizarre.

            Also, some of the stuff you're saying in the comments and the post seem to contradict.

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            • Hansberger

              I'm back with Puritanism and I'll continue with it!

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    This makes no sense. The only conclusion I can draw is that your a fucking idiot.

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    • Hansberger

      There's a difference between idiocy and religiosity, religious people know what they're doing, idiots don't know how to behave.

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        Nope. If your in a religion that's fucking stupid and you get brainwashed, your a fucking idiot. Both seem to be true in the case of OP.

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        • Hansberger

          I'm not brainwashed, I was already a Puritan from the start, from a few years ago, and I'm not an idiot. Puritanism isn't stupid, and how to not look stupid: I'm a saint, no? Which means that in all good behaviour, and in all drunkenness, I'd rather party, never masturbate, and read porn without a lust for it, than have no enjoyment and suffer attached to my golf club and golf balls which have gone missing, I call it an act of God. Furthermore the way I'm about to dress will be the Puritan way, I just won't eat the food, yet I'll drink the alcohol, it has no rules on food, yet it has rules on alcohol and on clothes, and if you think this is the devil with all these rules and regulations, have you read the Bible? A lot of the Puritan sins are found in the Bible, thus I'm not to have religious pictures because that would be idolatry. I'm to wear wool not the other way round. I'm always to wear long sleeve clothes, both in the pants and in the shirts, jumpers and jackets, fishing is the sport I can handle, a game of Scrabble is what I can handle, and to never play Monopoly again (using a dice, it's like gambling!), it's thorough in every way! It makes you the perfect person, the only thing missing is three things: not to show anything messy or dirty on public transport, coach, taxi or hire car, not to beg for any items in public, and to spend time in pubs only to drink. Furthermore smoking in public is a big no no, I'm not even allowed to swear, and watching anything may be the news or a documentary, rather than a movie or a play. I am the OP, whatever that means. However any religious music is to be non-instrumental, dancing with the hands touching is to be square dancing, and since I hate marriage I'm only going to spend an hour at a time getting drunk on Scotch and cola, and like Christopher Hitchens I will drink it proudly, like Peter Hitchens I'm true to my religion and don't assume I'm right, and don't have pleasure for its own sake, but after a half hour walk I can have a Lindt chocolate with caramel pieces, that would be me rewarding myself. And given that this is superior to the Amish, and there's a joy to be found in this no fun religion, I think I must follow it, and I think it's working its magic with God!

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            TL:DR but you are still very much a fucking retard sorry. Don't get mad just fix that shit.

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            • Hansberger

              It's already fixed. And no I'm not still a retard, I'm a genius. I decided to be an antinomian and remain an antinomian, since law is motivated by an internal principle flowing from belief rather than external compulsion, and since I can do whatever I want in this faith, from the Gospel alone, through grace by faith alone, I can be a Christian, thus whatever flows in the holy books I can still make up any rules to govern my life and follow King Arthur's rules of chivalry, and be a gentleman, am I the only one who thinks my morals don't need to change one bit?

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  • bitch27

    ok flanders

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  • LornaMae

    Hahahaha, you're my favorite character. I'd watch the Hans Show. I wonder who would play you... any preferences?

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    • Hansberger

      Jim Carrey can play a good role of me: to act like me is to dress and behave excessively perfect, act excessively sane, and angry, to talk philosophy all the time and to act extremely religious, when no one else believes my story, that would be good acting.

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      • LornaMae

        You need a casting director, Jim Carey is not right for the part.

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        • Hansberger

          Why not? He has my build, my look, my over-the-top personality, I suppose he's not right for the part.

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          • LornaMae

            I knew I was right. Now that I think of it, I'd rather not see a TV show or a movie but an interactive play in your house with a limit of 12 people per show. You would direct, produce, design the costumes, prepare the food for the guests and play the role of yourself.

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            • LornaMae

              There will be Beegan Hansburgers on the menu for sure.

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  • Are you ex-CCCP? You can’t be a Bolshevik if you’re living in the West. Being a religious extremist at the same time isn’t common or really productive at all.

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    • Hansberger

      What are you, some kind of alien? Look at your name! I'm not a religious extremist, I haven't forced anyone to adopt my way of life, I see that Puritanism isn't really productive at all. You play the normal guy, you must've come on Earth in the disguise of a human.

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      • Haha, the Kholat comes from part of my first name Холатчахльдят and the Khal because I was a big Game of Thrones fan.

        See if you studied up on the roots of your Bolshevism you would recognize the part in my name!

        I don’t hate on your Puritan life, I live in a homesteading community myself, but the religion part just gets way past me, I live in a far predominantly atheist area. Just the combination of hardcore religion and Bolshevism is a very odd one.

        Also the Hansberger name scared me just the same... you ain’t a kraut are you?

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        • Hansberger

          I just might be, my blond hair is from ancient blonds who moved to England from Germany, plus I doubt I'm related to my family, I think it's a lie, I might've been adopted from my white Kenyan so-called "mother" and white Australian so-called "father", or kidnapped by them because Dad couldn't get a blond son, it might've been that way, and the way "Dad" hates me is as if I'm not his son, so yeah, I might be an illegally adopted person from elsewhere, no one knows where, but it's not Lyell McEwin hospital, or maybe it's Lyell McEwin with a baby from another mother, or a nurse's baby they wanted to be adopted. No I don't even believe me and Mum are even closely related. So yes, I might be a kraut adopted from a Kenyan mother (who loves me to the moon, and is so cute).

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  • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

    How are u not allowed to do anything in life but u listen to rock music
    That’s like, it doesn’t fit together at all
    I dunno if I’d believe that post, r u allowed internet in such circumstances
    Anyways why no tv
    If ur watching it and aren’t influenced by it, isn’t that more than avoiding it? Cuz u show how resistent against “evil” u are, not only avoiding it like

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    • Hansberger

      Yes I'm allowed internet in these circumstances. Puritans are merely the good people, not those who can't use the internet.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Yeah and Nicolay comics are too

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    • Hansberger

      Anyone who wants to read an old-fashioned comic, which may contain mild violence or innuendoes, be my guest.

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  • XYXY

    You sound like a fucking idiot to me. I think you should go and boil your head in oil

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    • Hansberger

      Yeh right, tough crowd! I better pull out the big guns: the intellectuality of the Puritan church: that is, if you studied it pedantically and know all about it, even down to the detail that your own church isn't to be opened at home, even the history of the Puritans, which there are Brownists, Quakers, Muggles, Separatists, Intensified Puritans, does this sound idiotic to you, or does it sound like I even know the history of Puritans being ridiculed, rejecting king's rule, chopping his head off and being thrown out of a king's court, and eventually moving to the USA? That sounds to me like an intellectual research into religious history, even if that stuff may sound crazy to you. And Puritanism wasn't founded by one person but the angry mob anti-Catholic against the Anglican church. They attempted to "purify" the church, the rules of clothes are right down to what buttons a Puritan can wear.

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      • XYXY

        You’re mistaking idiocy for intellect. It is quite possible to have great intelligence and still be a fucking idiot. You however have said nothing to indicate great intelligence, but you clearly have the ability to research and study a subject which is an indication of at least moderate intellect. On the other hand the crap you have chosen to learn only underlines the fact that you are as I said before a fucking idiot

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        • Hansberger

          I'm not a fucking idiot, and I'm not moderate intellect. The crap I learned! Listen to yourself, you're jealous, you want to look smarter than me. Well the thing is I'm more comfortable as an antinomian, and an idiot of great intelligence is an oxymoron. It indicates that I was aiming at having a good state of living. Antidisintellectual rejects idiocy, antidisintellectual is excessively intelligent, therefore I'm very highly intelligent and not an idiot, not one bit.

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          • XYXY

            We will have to agree to differ on the question of whether or not you are an idiot, because it seems quite clear to me that you are one. And swallowing a dictionary so you can use long words is also not impressive it merely has the effect of making you sound desperate and does not indicate level of intellect.

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            • Hansberger

              I have the right to be treated with respect, so treat me with respect, DO IT!!!

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