Is it normal to be a loser at school but outgoing out of school?

I guess you can consider me an introvert, I like routine and doing my own thing but sometimes I let lose, a little too lose. I feel like a total outcast at school from like 4th grade to even college now ! When is it gonna end ?! I just figure okay the whole school atmosphere isn't for me. Out of school, I'm happy, myself, probably a total different person from what people think I am at school. Right now is a great example. Ive been partying hard every weekend, people at my apartment see me as this fun outgoing confident girl and I feel like that's me. At school though people make me feel lame, ugly, loser, dumb, etc especially the ones from my major. I am intimidated by the people in my major which probably contributes to why I act so awkward. But I feel like its out in the open that I'm this awkward student who doesn't know what she's doing with her life and needs more practice. So it frustrates me that they can't see who I really am and if they did, I know they'd be shocked. I like to call it a loser at school but a wild child at night. Is that normal ? Who knows maybe the people I see and who are obviously nerdy an awkward are different out of school. School is just not for me which is why I'm so stoked its my last year and il be free to accomplish my dreams!

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Short4Words

    Great attitude! I guess just keep on keeping on, and be safe :P

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  • xosamxo

    Who cares what people from your school/ college think about you I bet your really clever and listen in class. You never know if you was to be the cool one in class you might not of learned as much as you have. Oh and I bet if u speak to people older than you a lot of them will say they don't speak to anyone from the school they attended. So chin up you have got this far with people thinking your a "looser" so one more year won't matter then you can forget all about the "cool kids" and plan your future

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    • Shimmers

      The reason we care what people think is because we are brainwashed by school into believing that you have to do this and that to be cool.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I was the oppisate. In fact when I let someone over to my house they would ask "why you so calm and quiet you are not like this at school" and I would be like "Since I am home".

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  • ifonlyuknew247

    I feel you 100%. Your real friends are the ones who know you. School is an artificial social environment where people are forced together, just like work and other such environs. Just do your work and do for you. Someday you'll be done with school and you'll never need to worry about THOSE losers again.

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    • "School is an artificial social environment" I love that! I have always thought of this but could not come up with the word. Thank you :) glad other people view it the same way.

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  • Gamzeee


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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yeah i hated school i didn't need to be cool in school who cares those sad and popular bitches don't go any where any way.

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  • Anime7

    I'm pretty much the same. I like who I am and am confident for the most part. But back in high school I felt constantly judged and always tried to fit in. In college though I don't have to worry about fitting in, I could just be myself.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Yeah, I didn't like anyone at my school at all, really. My social life was mainly outside of school.

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