Is it normal to be a socialist but also christain

I believe that the government plays a vital role in providing services for their citizens. I believe in equal rights for all. I believe in a living wage. I believe that social programs are important in keeping the poor, disabled and elderly afloat. I believe that not everyone has the resources or the know how to pull themselves out of poverty. But at the same time socialism is a mainly athiest ideology. So is being a socialist and a Christain an oxymoron?

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85% Normal
Based on 33 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • q25t

    How much do you know about early Christian society? Many of them were socialist communes. Also, many of the ideas that Jesus presented were socialist in nature.

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  • SuperBenzid

    I can't see a reason why socialism is specifically atheist. It is just that normally religious people have been less supportive of welfare. This is probably because when Churches are the one providing food they have the poor in their pocket because they can preach to a captive audience.

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  • dinz

    Most early Bolsheviks supported the abolishment due to the Church influence on the finance wealth of Early Russia.

    However this wasn't supported among all communists, even The Soviet Union realised the importance of the Church as a form of congregating people against the invaders during War World Two. Though most governments were not officially supporting the Churches, they were tolerated as long as they followed state policy/not to interference with state policy.

    Western Socialism does not dictate any affairs in terms of religion/personal belief. It's main purpose is to play an integral role in providing services as oppose to having private entities provide such services. However this degree varies among socialist political groups.

    Religion in my personal opinion does play a defining decision where one does support the left or right but it isn't always going to be always the same side of the political spectrum.

    For example in my country - it is the left who generally has the support of Christians.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Socialists believe that the supreme authority is the state so they have no room for God. The state giveth and the state taketh away. They like to take from the producers and give to the nonproducers in the name of fairness, a liberal, emotion-invoking term (everybody wants fairness).
    But God says if a man will not work he shall not eat.

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