Is it normal to be a straight guy who writes stories...
with female protagonists? I'm currently doing so.
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with female protagonists? I'm currently doing so.
well i am reverse of that and make guy characters . Also when Im thinking or making a prologue its a guy vioce im listening to .
Nothing wrong with that at all. You aren't the first and certainly not the last.
I'm a female who writes stories with male protagonists. In my opinion, it's totally normal.
Well, gay men write characters who are straight men. It's normal to be able to identify with somebody you're not. If not, we'd all write characters who are just "us".
Joss Whedon is notorious for this. Buffy the vampire slayer is just another example of his stories with female protagonists. It's nothing to be ashamed of, it's just a character. I don't see it as weird.
Being a homosexual is a lot different than simply identifying with women. In fact, being a homosexual, there are a lot of things they don't do with women.