Is it normal to be a voluntary loser?
I've never had a girlfriend, I've never consumed alcohol or any nonmedical drug, I spend almost all my time on my computer, I have no friends, and I've never been to a party unsupervised. I am, by most people's social definition, a loser.
And I'm cool with that.
All media I've seen, whether it be video, literature, or otherwise, portray this lifestyle as being lonely and miserable. The portrayed losers are always trying to escape their situation. Trying to get with the cool kids, to hook up with the hot chick, or otherwise revoke their loserdom. I don't get it.
I don't need mind-altering substances, I get by on the Dopamine and epinephrine released in a cute cat video. Why get a girlfriend? The Internet has plenty of girlfriends, if you know what I mean, wink wink.
Everyone I've seen in this same situation, whether factual or fictional, hated his predicament and couldn't comprehend why I didn't as well.