Is it normal to be a voluntary loser?

I've never had a girlfriend, I've never consumed alcohol or any nonmedical drug, I spend almost all my time on my computer, I have no friends, and I've never been to a party unsupervised. I am, by most people's social definition, a loser.

And I'm cool with that.

All media I've seen, whether it be video, literature, or otherwise, portray this lifestyle as being lonely and miserable. The portrayed losers are always trying to escape their situation. Trying to get with the cool kids, to hook up with the hot chick, or otherwise revoke their loserdom. I don't get it.

I don't need mind-altering substances, I get by on the Dopamine and epinephrine released in a cute cat video. Why get a girlfriend? The Internet has plenty of girlfriends, if you know what I mean, wink wink.

Everyone I've seen in this same situation, whether factual or fictional, hated his predicament and couldn't comprehend why I didn't as well.


Voting Results
65% Normal
Based on 81 votes (53 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • squirrelgirl

    I'm pretty much the same as you - no alcohol, no illegal drugs, no sex, still live with my parents. People always basically tell me I'm a loser, but I don't care. I like my lifestyle. I think the world needs more people like us. What's the point of partying anyway?

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  • YoBanana

    Well I think your cool for just being you :)

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  • Tisgranum

    Those cool people aren't always the happiest either.

    I think you can be really happy without any party drugs. However, it is good to go out, have friends, do exercise.

    I spend most of my life in front of my computer. I'm too lazy to work at life, so I've kind of given up. Can't say that I'm happy though.

    It's rare that I pray for specific things for anybody. I think that one of the most important things is to be happy. If you're mostly happy (always happy is pretty much unattainable,) then nothing else matters; except perhaps planning for a happy future.

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  • Carlosolrac

    You just like your confort zone, once you get out of it, it feels amazingly different, but I dont mean "get out of the confort zone" by having lots of friends, or whatever society tells you to, but what you feel it would be good.

    I mean, live in your own house, have your own car... I mean to try it! To have dreams and go after them even if people find you to be a loser who cares?

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Better to have one real friend than fake ones.

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  • cheerqueen101

    I'm the same way :) nothing wrong with it. I do have one friend though, but we don't see each other much. Being independent and solitary is perfectly fine. It means you don't rely on other people for your fun and entertainment. And there's no reason to drink alcohol or take drugs anyways! It's totally better to be sober. You can actually enjoy life for what it is

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  • Tisgranum

    How come that "Can you live alittle?" comment keeps skipping down? It was posted before my comment as first comment and yet it keeps appearing as last comment.


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    • I_steal_free_bread

      The low lifes were offended by my comment

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      • legendary27

        Your first comment wasn't very rude, it was just a question. But then you calling people "low lifes" is pretty harsh.

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  • Bobsbitchtits

    Girls suck. Being single and free is where it's at.

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  • I_steal_free_bread

    Can you live alittle?

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