Is it normal to be a woman with a fear of women...

I am a female in my early twenties.
I have pretty good social skills and I am able to make friends wherever I go, but I have a horrible fear of women. While I don't go any distance to do this, I prefer male contact over female contact.

I always expect women to be violent and hateful. I know many women are not like this, but it is a horrible anxiety that I have felt my whole life. I rarely if ever have female friends because I just have so much anxiety when it comes to interacting with females. Most of my female friends are in their thirties at the youngest.

I don't understand this either. Both of my parents were violent and abusive, so shouldn't I also be afraid of men? I'm pretty confused. Advice would be very much appreciated.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • joybird

    I've done alright so far having more male friends than female.

    I've encountered many nasty women but have met the most beautiful women purely by accident. I met one girl in the bathroom of a bar, another was a make-up artist setting up her own business, and another was a mom at my son's school. I don't deliberately search out female company as they don't usually laugh enough for me. They worry about their make-up and what other people think - too boring for me!

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    • Exactly. They usually look very cross at me and see me as immature. In fact, most of the women I get along with are tomboys or are mothers that have sons. Feminine women don't like me very much, I think I make them feel awkward. I remember in high school, my best friend was a girl who was also a Tomboy and we'd sing and dance outside and the groups of girls would stare at us as if we were leppers but the guys didn't mind one bit.

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      • joybird

        Sounds like great fun and you will learn, as you get older, that this is the most important thing in life.

        The dolly birds will get dumped for girls like you coz they are soooo boring. They might look good but to settle down with someone, men and women really have to have fun together!

        Don't change for anyone, be yourself and enjoy every day!

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  • In my observations, the asshole males are only assholes to you if they're confronted by you when they don't want to be confronted (even if it's polite conversation) or if they're drunk. The females in my observations go out of their way to be assholes.

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    • From an evolutionary standpoint, that would make sense. After all, why would a man need to defend himself if not threatened? But many of the women I have dealt with are defensive without threat...

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  • Monogamy_Sucks

    wow,im like that too.women are mean to me too most of the time,i dont know why,i cant put it down to jeaulousy cause im pretty i guess but im not that sure wed be like best friends cause we think the

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  • Austalien

    Hahaha there are Cunts everywhere, gender or race is irrelevant :)

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  • the_foxy_fire

    Its true. Females SOCIALLY bully other females, so the attack is more of a psychological one, doing very indirect but very passive aggressive things to one another: catty moves, gossiping saying mean things about one another, observing every move another female makes, and they usually gang up in groups and pick on that loner socially akward one

    They can also be very dual; smiling in your face and then saying some very nasty things when you turn your back. Why females are very indirect this way i cannot explain.

    I am aware though of the brain differences between male and females. Females have a bigger frontal and temporal area of the cortex, that area associated with language skills; also, women are much more observant than men, possibly why they consequently comment and talk about what they observe, even their catty perspective

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  • thinkingaboutit

    Having a phobia is considered irregular, no matter what that phobia is. It's okay, chillax.

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  • Loh

    If they creep you out so much it is better to stay friends with the males !

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  • Painfulnote

    I do agree with you women can be pure evil but aren't you a woman yourself? There is no way one cannot relate to their own gender, yeah well outside normal and abnormal you seem more like a lesbian.

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    • Wait... how could I be a lesbian if I don't like being around women?

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    • How so? She fears women...?

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