Is it normal to be a young paranoid person?
I'm 20 years old,live in a flat on my own and can't take this anymore.
People are out to harm me.There is a massive conspiracy against me.They are going to kill me.They are watching my every move and waiting for their time to strike.They can hear my thoughts.I am a total recluse now.I lock myself in the flat all day and don't go out or answer the door to anyone.I sit in the dark with all the curtains closed so people don't know i am home.My next door neighbors are part of this conspiracy too and they are listening to me through the walls.I feel like the Illuminati has control over my mind. I know they are up to something.I don't eat anymore because the food is poisoned. Everytime I hear an airplane or helicopter go by I duck and hide under whatever I can find because I think they are going to bombard the place.When I used to go outside i was being followed by people in cars using video cameras recording everything i did. I can't even get a good nights sleep anymore because the thought of thinking that someone is dying every second and having to wait for my turn to die makes me quiver as I try to fall asleep. I have told my family to stay away from me because they are also in on it.I hear strange voices in my head which threaten me and say i am going to die.All of my time is spent on trying to protect myself from those who are out to hurt me.I don't know what is real and what is fake.All of this seem so real.It's possible that this is all in my mind but am i a paranoid person?