Is it normal to be addicted to icecream
Ever since I quit smoking, I can't get enough of white chocolate magnums....I literally can eat a whole box. I'm going to turn into an obese whale if I'm not careful. Anyone else share my addiction?
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Ever since I quit smoking, I can't get enough of white chocolate magnums....I literally can eat a whole box. I'm going to turn into an obese whale if I'm not careful. Anyone else share my addiction?
OMG! I was so addicted to mint chocolate chip ice storms from Nordstroms and if I didn't have one everyday I would get so cranky!!!! The thing is to stop eating it for like a week or two and your obsession with it should be gone, just be very careful to not get addicted again. When I buy ice cream and can't stop eating it, when I get half way down the container, I stick it under the sink and fill it with water. I know, it hurts but it'll prevent you from eating the rest.
FUck i love icecream and oreos hence i love oreo ice cream Ebony is so right if it wasnt for diabetes and getting fat id eat icecream and oreos for lunch and fucking dinner, guys try buying some coconut cookies with pieces of the actual sugary coconut tarts in it buy some butter pecan FREEZE IT and smash the coconut cookies inside it and eat CHRIST(WARNING IF YOU DO THIS WHILE YOU ARE HIGH YOU WILL HAVE AN ORGASM IN YOUR PANTS) I SWEAR ITS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD
I like ice cream a lot to but not THAT much. If I couldn't get fat then id totally pig the f**k out. I'm a candy addict though haha. I have not been eating sweats or fast food for a while. I miss it so much omg it's insane X_X
im addicted to carrots.i eat carrots as snacks EVERYDAY and drink carrot juice everytime i cook i must add carrots into my dish