Is it normal to be addicted to inhalents?

I constantly smell nail polish remover, glue, and gas. After, I can't ever remeber what happened. Is it normal.?

Voting Results
23% Normal
Based on 77 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • It's actually a drug that kills brain cells. No joke.

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  • iin2want2know

    Dear H.R. Huff n Puff, You can't remember anything because you are killing your brain cells. I recommend switching to weed.

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  • madelinemay

    You're going to start forgetting things like whether you bought something or not, sometimes have trouble separating dream/reality, and even forget words in the middle of talking. You probably have an iron deficiency so ask your doctor for supplements and you'll stop craving huffing it worked for me.

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  • CatOnTheRun

    Watch the "Intervention" episode on huffing. You'll be scared.

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  • imnotkidding

    Wow, ComboBreaker, you're really cool! How intelligent are you!? Omg, are you a doctor... A counselor????

    Sorry, I seem to have taken an intrest in you.

    -_- maybe he just wants to be cool...

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  • meekacheeckax23

    That's one of the worst things you can do.. That stuff kills kids instantly man ! Stop.

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  • kperkins897

    Get help.

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  • Mel

    Youre an idiot. Keep huffing, one less stupid person on this earth.

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    • ComboBreaker

      Urm... It kills brain cells, there will only be more stupid people on earth.

      To TheGuruOfTheSauce:

      Why? Because you thought to much you decided to destroy yourself? I don't understand. Your mind is what makes you, you! Yet you did this so you purposly wouldn't think so much and "mellow out". I smoke weed every once in a while but huffing glue and nail varnish and stuff... To purposly kill your mind, I Don't understand why.

      Though... maby... You were too smart. That or insain (Schizophrenic) If you was Schizophrenic, the reasons why someone would do that is simple, though there are various medications that can help. If the smart thing? I can see is you doing it for a woman/man. To dumb yourself down just so you could be with her/him. This or frustration of never meeting anyone on the same brain wave as yourself. Lonleyness. Or maby depression dropped in and you felt the need to kill you mind to calm down... in a sense. Am I close? There is clearly more to this than simply "mellowing out".

      You have a brilliant mind, I'm sure, but you felt the need to decrease it, damage it. Why?

      Self punishment?

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      • ComboBreaker

        I take back the self punishment. The way you described it... seemed like you see the huffing of various brain cell killing things... good. A releif... perhapes. This makes me think more about the lonelyness and loved one. Though the Schizophrania is still valid... Thoughs who are desprate, try anything to solve the problem. Provided they keep their dignity....

        A Job... or Schizophrania are my two guesses. Because you say the headachs distact you, from what I wonder...

        Sorry, I just seem to have taken an interest in you. You don't have to anser... I supose.

        Up to you. But atleast tell me why you won't say, if you don't.

        Sorry for poor spelling also, I'm dyslexic and havn't botherd to spell cheak.

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  • TheGuruOfTheSauce

    I actually started to do this again, not for the high it gives you but the severe headaches it gives me which are pleasantly distracting. I do it purposely to kill brain cells because I used to think a lot, too much and since huffing this garbage for about two years I've actually mellowed out my mind. I always get that throat burn and feel terrible a few hours later so I do it about three to four times a day. I used to get good grades lol

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  • ^ This. Don't do something stupid. At least switch to weed. Safer.

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