Is it normal to be addicted to porn?

Ever since I started watching it, i can't stop. I watch porn mostly every single day! so I want to know is it normal? Am I the only one doing this?

Voting Results
69% Normal
Based on 13 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • 12koft

    I mean maybe it's common but that doesn't make it normal. It's gross. Get a gf/bf or a f**k buddy

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  • Vetterman

    its perfectly normal, but a dangerous addiction. As someone who spent years addicted to it, i will tell you, it never satifies, and its hard to break, the longer you abuse it, the harder to break it.
    The second problem is that you always want worse and worse porn once you are addicted. When you first start out, you may get turned on by just frontal nudity. Next, its sex acts, then close ups, then ??? its a downward spiral, always needing something worse to feed it. I know it will seem impossible to not use it, but it really is in your best intrest to cut it back continuely until you dont need it. Trust me, i have been there.

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