Is it normal to be addicted to sadness?

Please don't judge me. I've had this issue for a while now, I often search for a reason to be sad, subconsciously usually, but when I get there, I hate it, yet I still search for it. I don't physically harm myself or anything like that, I just feel emotional. It usually happens when I have nothing else to focus on.

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53% Normal
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Anime7

    It's easy to wallow in your own self-pity than it is to pick up the pieces and find a way to better yourself and fix your situation. This actually isn't the first time I've seen this question appear, but I don't want to say that people are normally like this. You're probably depressed, in which case I can believe this being common since a lot of people suffer from that chemical unbalance. But if you aren't, then this is just a burden. If you want to live like this then go ahead, but I don't think it is healthy. You sound comfortable, but not really happy. I'll be honest I don't really know what to say.

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    • gothrockangel

      Thank you for your honesty. :) the only part of your comment is telling me to go ahead if I want to live like this. I don't. I'm not happy with it when I get like this.
      I'm just trying to set the record straight.
      However, I am currently doing what I can to feel better, and I have been successful. :) but these feelings often come back. I have a feeling its just simply depression, and I just think I'm doing this to myself.
      Anyway, thank you for your concern and honesty. I do appreciate it. :)

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      • Anime7

        Let me just start off by saying that I think you have a cool name. For some reason the image of Black Rock Shooter comes to mind, not saying that you're a girl or anything. Also I like your bio.

        Honestly I think everyone gets this way at some point. I remember when I use to be depressed I would pretty much just stay like that. It was comfortable in a sense, but ultimately I knew I couldn't live like that for long time. I think you realize that to. Depression isn't easy to beat, but it's possible, and I know you can do it. I wish I was of better help, but all I feel I can offer is encouragement. You have to fight your way through the black cloud in order to see the light, because I guarantee you it is there.

        I don't know if this will help but I remember watching this thing on Discovery channel about depression. And there was this therapist who mentioned how you should keep asking yourself "Why are you depressed?" I kept asking myself that question, over and over again. Each time replying with something along the lines of "because I'm alone, because I'm ugly, because nobody loves me," but overtime those things just became words. I wasn't seeing the big picture. I wasn't seeing myself the way I wanted to. The psychologists further interviewed mentioned how you need to surround yourself with positivity, if you're in a hole of self-pity then you have to keep reassuring yourself that you're not as pitiful as you think. Build a ladder out of positivity. Keep telling yourself how great you are, how kind you are. Eventually something magical will happen, you'll end up getting out of the hole.

        Gothrockangel, I know you can do it. Everyone has the potential to beat depression. If you ever need anyone to talk to just personal message me. I can't guarantee that I'll reply instantaneously, but I will try.

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        • gothrockangel

          Thank you so much! :) I really, really appreciate it! Your words have literally touched my heart. :) I have been through really bad depression a couple years back, so my depression now isn't crazy severe, you know? But it's still a burden I carry, and I'm not happy about it. But I won't stop until I can be as happy as I can be. I know I have many reasons to smile, so I will remember that I have them. :)

          Thanks so much, again! And as a side-note, I am in fact a girl. :)

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          • Anime7

            I wish you the best :)

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            • gothrockangel

              Thank you so much! :) I shall message you if I ever need someone to vent to, or just to talk. You seem like a pretty cool guy. :)

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  • Lonely2

    You have insight...most people never realize it....its a part of depression...and yes, we can get to feel so cpmfortable with certain feelings that we seek to create becomes normal....all organism seek a certain degree of predictability in the world and will try to recreate what they are used too

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    • gothrockangel

      Thank you for your input. :) I have come to this conclusion before, I just wasn't sure if I was the only one, you know?

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  • ants91shearer

    im like that sometimes, I think its because im single

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  • Doctor11

    I love doing this. Sadness makes me happy. Well not really, but i love to be sad so much.

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  • ScooterNyne

    I do the same

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