Is it normal to be addicted to weight lifting and taking supplements?

Hi, I have been lifting weights for a while now, but I feel like I need to workout at least five times a day. I live the iron and the pump certain supplements give me. IIN?

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51% Normal
Based on 37 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • I1tZ_Madman

    Sorry, I meant five times a week.

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  • drewpyper

    Its completely normal to want to work out, look good and be strong.

    And in some ways addictions are normal but usually not healthy. You know? Addictions and obsessions can lead to weird social traits or personality traits that aren't desirable to those around us.

    Also, I understand the supplement thing... shoving stuff in yourself that is over and above what your body would normally produce and use gives you this crazy buzz...

    Just remember though, what happens when you stop them? I've read specifically about Creative supplements that prolonged use lowers the body's natural ability to produce its own muscle rebuilding proteins... leading to people getting quite fat quite quickly when they come off..

    Im not a doctor or anything, its just things i've read. I guess i just go by the natural view of things.

    One thing is for sure though, the more natural you do something... pretty much anything, it is almost always healthier and more sustainable for the body.

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  • imkookoo

    And to add.. It's normal for the bodybuilding community. It's not normal for all of America though. There's a reason why we have a 30% obesity rate. :)

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  • imkookoo

    I was about to say 5 times a day is overdoing it a bit.

    Working out 5x a week is pretty normal. Make sure you don't work out the same muscle groups on consecutive days though. Otherwise you'll slow down your muscle building. They need time to heal. In my opinion, 5x a week is overdoing it too, unless 2 of those days are just lightweight/cardio stuff, but you'll hear many different opinions on that.

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