Is it normal to be afraid i might die in the toilet?

I have now developped a morbid fear of dying in the toilet. There have been at least 2 occasions when I felt I was on the way out after a crap. The same thing happened to poor old Elvis - he managed 3 feet before collapsing and dying after unloading. I think I shall Google this phenomenon, try to reasure maself. On t'other hand, I might scare maself shitless.
Is this fear normal? To be so worried about my ass and its repercussions - I just can't take it any more!

Voting Results
31% Normal
Based on 35 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • WhiteCrow

    Technicly you can't die IN a toilet unless you are very very small. You can however die ON a toilet.

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  • Ive heard that when someone dies they release all the shit out of their intestence so on the positive side of dying on the toilet, no one will have to clean up the mess.

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    • mclinking

      Maybe, but that could only happen if the dying person stays on the toilet which was not the case with Elvis. He had been on the toilet but died after getting off.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        Some dumps can actually drain the life from you. They're called killer dumps.

        By the way I'm known as the king of flatulence or prince of percussion, just pick one.

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