Is it normal to be afraid if the zombie apocalypse ever comes lol
Haha so I just love zombie movies and shows bc they scare the heck out of me but I think I watch to many of them, bc sometimes at night or in the morning when it's still dark and it's lke to quiet I'm always scared to look out the window of my house and just see a dang zombie jst walking down the road, I wld literally s**t my pants lol I'm so scared that there's gonna be some kind of brake out and zombies are gonna take over lol, I've had so many dreams about them which just sucked and I wld wake up still scared as heck and think there's one in another room lol, but that's straight up my fear well one of them lol I'm terrified of the zombie apocalypse!!!! ROFL Ps. Keats if one does come, people that do watch all the zombie movies guess we all can all be little prepared lol