Is it normal to be afraid of 2013?

Let's face it, 2012 has been a complete non-event and the Mayans totally discredited. But 2013?
Ok people, time to freak out...
TWO comets on the way. Not just comets but 'Great' comets. Big deal! - you say.
Sorry. EVERYBODY everywhere is going to see these horrors, even in the daytime. NASA have described them looking as 'daggers'.
The first arrives in March and that is spectacular in itself, but the second arriving in November shall be the 'greatest comet ever seen in recorded humpan history' - as per a well-known astonomer.
Maybe we, in the West, got the year wrong. 2013?
Unlucky for some!

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31% Normal
Based on 67 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • johnho

    Ah, it's 2015 if I am looking at the correct calendar? Or maybe we are all dreaming and the Mayans were right?

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  • Pika-girl

    Don't worry, it's all over now... CAUSE IT'S 2014!! Now maybe the Mayans were really incorrect!

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  • Ldizzy1234

    I'm not afraid. I'm just pissed that I didn't get everything I set out for in 2012.

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  • Vanguard

    You'll be fine. Hey, maybe we'd be lucky and they will end humanities miserable existence? Doubt it though.

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    • mclinking

      Civilizations fall from time to time, possibly on account of the passage of comets or strikes from asteroids in the tail of these comets. Another real possibility, as per the late Carl Sagan, is the tail, expected early 2014, of delivering a deadly unknown virus.
      Fear of death? Well, it comes to us all. I'm at an age to be able to say I've had a life, but younger people would feel cheated if deprived of it prematurely.
      To be honest, I don't think anything is likely to happen. But perhaps Nature has a sense of irony. We down here have been 'Peter and the Wolfing' for years about doomsday scenarios. No predictions here for 2013 and maybe, maybe that will be the year.

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  • Anime7

    Ya you those, but think about the many possibilities. Maybe this year, you'll meet the "one" or maybe you'll get a promotion. Don't look at merely all the bad things, look at the positives as well.

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