Is it normal to be afraid of all insects?

Any time I see/hear any kind of insect near me I freak out. I've always been scared of bees/wasps since I was a kid but it's just gotten worse, and as an adult now I'm just scared of everything. When a big housefly flew into my dorm room a couple days ago and disappeared when I tried to kill it, I couldn't stand being in there and walked around for an hour or two because I didn't want to be near it. I know that flies are harmless, but I have this fear that its going to hurt me for some reason, and this goes for all kinds of insects (the bigger they are, the more they scare me). And if I see an insect like a wasp that I know can actually harm me, I just run away like a wuss and make a fool out of myself. Is this normal? I'm a guy by the way

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 40 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • FrancoisDillinger

    It's estimated you will swallow about 8 spiders while sleeping during the course of your lifetime.'re welcome.

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  • Frosties

    Even a cute wittle ladybird?

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  • PumpkinKate

    I have the exact same phobia. If I so much as see a cockroach running nearby I get cold shivers up my spine and can't even begin to handle it.

    If I see a bug in my room and I don't manage to find and kill it? Good luck getting me to sleep in that same room, yeah RIGHT. Ugggggh I just can't stand bugs. Pretty much any type of bug "bugs" me, too.

    I know I have an irrational phobia, I know what it stems from as well. Uncovering that stuff doesn't make me hate bugs any less. Sometimes we just have fears - and I think that's OK.

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  • zchristian

    Im only afraid of those that can kill humans all the others are just fine...

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  • I think that this is normal. Most insects (as well as arachnids) scare me too. It may just be the way they look and feel. Although I'm used to common flies, I would still get creeped out if it landed on me. I also hate the buzzing noise they make :/ it doesn't help.

    Some insects I'm okay with though like butterflies or ladybugs. I think it really depends on how they look and very few tend to look appealing to the eye (more creepy if anything). Also I would never willingly let any insect or especially omg arachnid touch me.

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  • RinTin

    You had to mention a giant housefly didn't you? 0.o

    I'm TERRIFIED of flies. I hate the noise they make when they're trapped under the blinds and fly around frantically. I once woke up, still half asleep, to a weird buzzing noise right next to my ear. After a couple minutes I finally WOKE UP and there was a fly buzzing at my ear!

    They do attack you! 0.o They attack me at least. Literally fly into me. I feel like they stare at me and wait for the perfect moment to attack. Last time I had to deal with a fly I had a panic attack.

    I use to hide under the covers if I was still in bed and a fly got into the room, but I'd end up running away.

    They are so fast it freaks me out. =..O I'm freaking out right now just talking about it! ó.ò I can't breathe!

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    • RinTin

      Oh and it's not normal. It's a phobia. Irrational but can't be rationalized by mere logic.

      Of course you know it's silly and we can agree with suckonthis9 but that won't whisk away your fear.

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  • suckonthis9

    No this is not normal.
    You should know better.
    Flies are not harmless. Some spread diseases that can make you sick or kill you. SOME are harmless.
    Same goes for bees and wasps.
    Get to know which is which!

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