Is it normal to be afraid of amber alerts?

My worst fear is amber alerts... The loud beeping, sudden noise then silence, static voice, and darkness. I can't stand it. Any time an Amber Alert for a storm or a lost child comes on, I'm sent into a panic attack and I'm almost made temporarily cripple. It honestly makes me want to shoot myself in the head, I can't stand it. Just thinking about it right now is almost making me panic. Are there others like me?? As far as I know I've never been traumatized by one.

Voting Results
70% Normal
Based on 20 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • thegypsysailor

    I guess that would be perfectly normal for a registered sex offender.

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    • SplatterInHerChatterBoxx

      Hahahaha omg

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    • SplatterInHerChatterBoxx


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  • TheWrinklySailor

    You can change the settings in your phone so you don't receive them.

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    • SplatterInHerChatterBoxx

      It's not only on the phone. The TV, the radio, everywhere.

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      • insanebotv21

        Everywhere? EVERYWHERE? you sure they aren't trying to brainwash you? Either way, taking the batteries out seems to work for me. Pull the fuses out. Tear your house apart! Or, simply... focus. Focus on your work, on your hobbies, on your life. Ignore all else, become at peace through indifference, or ignorance. It may be bliss, but once you've figured shit out, then focus on the world. Maybe it'll still bother you. But, at least you'll be able to think of whether it actually matters.

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  • KingTermite

    Amber Alerts? Is that a porn star?

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  • AngryinOhio

    Seems like you're hypersensitive. Do you feel overwhelmed when you are in loud chaotic situations in general?

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    • SplatterInHerChatterBoxx

      Sometimes, I guess... I have some pretty severe anxiety so maybe??

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      • insanebotv21

        no. Kidnapping is a horrible thing, and it is correct to be afraid of it. Unless you hired someone to kidnap you to escape your demented parents, like that one movie somewhere out there.

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        • SplatterInHerChatterBoxx

          It isn't only kidnappings, it's for storm warnings or most often just tests that come on various channels every couple of weeks.

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