Is it normal to be afraid of answering the phone?

I have a pretty anti-social personality. When it comes to work at any place, I find it really terrifying when a phone rings and i'm the only one available to answer. I'm afraid of communicating with strangers over the phone and I tend to stutter and hesitate alot when I do so.

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67% Normal
Based on 110 votes (74 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • KeddersPrincess

    I'm like that too. Always hated it when the phone rang at work and I hoped to God that someone else would answer it. I never liked answering the phone and, if it came down to the point where I had to, I would quickly pass over to a supervisor or someone else. I lost my first job from not being able to talk to strangers, but I wouldn't say it's abnormal. Depending on where you want to work, it may not be a good thing though. If it bothers you in your life, I would seek councelling to open up more. I just try to talk to people a little more, but if it doesn't bother you at all, I wouldn't worry about it.

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  • Lady.Pemberlie

    I tend to be like that even after I was done from a job related to human relations. When my ex-boss was blah-blah-ing me about my performance through a phone call, it left me traumatized until today by being a bit paranoid of whose on the other line.
    Since you said you were an anti-social, maybe you can use phone conversations as means of opening-up yourself in the future. They won't see you and it won't hurt a bit with a try. ;)

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  • Anime7

    So normal. I never pick up the house phone, the way I see it, if it's an emergency with the bills, it's my parents they want and not me. If I get a call on my cell phone that I don't recognize then I figure that they could leave a voice mail. I'm pretty anti-social to but I know a lot of people who are social that don't pick the phone.

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  • q25t

    I realize I'm kind of really late to this party but do you happen to use a lot of visual cues (body language and that) when you talk? I'm in the same situation you seem to be in and recently realized this was most of the reason I hated phone calls with a passion.

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  • I know what you mean. I had to pick up a call for my department last night and no one answered, then I said "Hello?" o.0 and I heard a click; so I started thinking maybe it was corporate! I stumbled over my name so I was worried for a minute, lol. What makes it worse is when someone is standing in earshot of you. I've ran around the store just to answer the phone in desolation.

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  • Oh.. I hate to talk on the phone. Can tolerate talking to friends, but strangers it takes some emotional effort.
    Which is funny, cause I used to work as a store manager and talking to clients was a part of my job.

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  • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

    I'm more of a texter, I can't talk on phones, to awkward...

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  • NotFloydzie

    It's normal since you already explained you're anti-social. But seriously, people are just people. They're not going to hurt you, do what you have to do and get on with your day. Plus, it's your job. You wouldn't want to lose it just because you're slightly scared of something.

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  • Steve92

    Wow, you gotta be the most cowardly person that ever lived!

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