Is it normal to be afraid of book reports?

I absolutely HATE book reports. I have this horrible feeling that if I don't complete 1, then my life will end and I will be in the biggest, horrible trouble ever. They scare me SOOOO much. I'm not a very fast reader. I have gotten better recently, because I used to be super good at reading when I was younger, but now I am not as good. I have gotten better though. Really good actually. But anyways, book reports just always make me feel like my life won't be relaxing or good until I finish it. Anyone else hate them and are so freaked out by them like me? There is something about them that makes me want to scream.

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48% Normal
Based on 23 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • thegypsysailor

    You are not in school to learn things; you are in school to learn how to learn. If, by writing a book report, you can show that you have actually understood the author's meaning in the book, then the teacher can be confident that later in life you will be able to go out and read (a book, online information or whatever) and find the info you were seeking.

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  • Pika-girl

    I would do them last minute.

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    • That's what I normally do but then that makes that last day horribly stressful

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      • Pika-girl

        Yup... I would be rushing to get it done... (Shh! I read summaries on the computer! ...That's still reading, right?)

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  • shuggy-chan

    who isnt really

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