Is it normal to be afraid of chainsaws

Ever since i watched the movie "The texas chainsaw massacre" iv'e been afraid of chainsaws. If i hear someone using it in the distance somewhere i start to think that this person will come at my door and cut it down screaming in a threatening matter and attack me lol. Is this normal?

Voting Results
72% Normal
Based on 18 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • bananaface

    Chainsaws are just scary things anyway. I don't think the movie would change my view of them much. Although I haven't seen it, if it's the type of film I think it is, then it isn't that scary to me (at least they don't have a lasting impact). I can see why it would be, though, that's what they're made for.

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  • intellectuallychallengedmaybe

    while its good to have good reflexes, its not good to let that fear control your every day life. imagine yourself putting up a barrier to the chainsaw, or the chainsaw being dismantled in a way so that it cannot hurt you. the fear is coming from your own thoughts. take control of your own thoughts and the fear will go away. hope this helps.

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  • Clickclock

    yea its normal, Chainsaws have a terrifying loud noise to it and there's a probability that you will get yourself injured if not used properly

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I saw the movie "Anaconda" when I was six. To this day, I'm still terrified of a snake in my backyard.

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  • NotFloydzie

    I think it's normal, but you shouldn't be scared of them. They're just big cutting machines. A movie it's just a movie.

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