Is it normal to be afraid of dating a smart guy?

Of course I'm attracted to smart guys especially cute ones and I'm not talkin about nerdy like booksmart, maybe some of that but mostly street smart like they know what they wanna do, how to get around, etc. But I'm also scared of them cause I don't feel like I'm that smart. When I get hit on I'm just trying to enjoy every minute of it cause I don't want them to find out later that I'm not as bright as they think. I think I am smart in some parts but I can be slow but obviously I can't tell them that ahead of time. It sucks cause its literally in my way of dating these cute smart guys.

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73% Normal
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Comments ( 9 )
  • GinnyWeasley

    Its normal to be a bit intimidated by highly intellectual people but dont let that get in the way

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  • YouAllSuck

    Intelligence isn't prioritized when it comes to women. It's all about the titties so don't even worry

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  • **Rubs one out on the carpet.

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  • Erik963

    He is not smart. You are just dumb.

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  • nanawhite

    It's totally normal but some smart people are reals douchebags. I can understand your fears. Some of them think they are so smarts to the extent that the rest of us are total idiots. They feel superiors and don't hesitate to pull us down with their culture to raise their self-esteem. For example, I was in love with this incredibly smart guy. I've been always fascinated by guys that could teach me a lot of things. It's very interesting. But that really cultivated guy could consider myself either very clever and the next minute, pull myself down saying I talk about things that I don't know. And he was really mean.

    Smart guys are fascinatings but I always try to find a middle ground. I've always been intimidated by them but even more since this guy who took me down by his knowledges of everything.

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  • amaterasu

    Well.... at least you are smart enough to be wary of people smarter than you. Most people haven't even reached that level.

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  • Anime7

    I feel the same about smart girls.

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    • Hahaha good one!

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  • Terence_the_viking

    What about tall guys.

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