Is it normal to be afraid of dying a natural death?
I've thought about this a lot, and i'm afraid of dying a natural death. is this normal?
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I've thought about this a lot, and i'm afraid of dying a natural death. is this normal?
It depends on your age if your still fairly young then its not normal but if your elderly knowing it might happen is something that can happen if you have lived a Good life then all you can do is hope the Lord will decide when its your time. But Dont live in Fear thats not a Good way to Live.
I think so. I'm not too scared of death, but if I think really hard about it and try to imagine how it would feel, I get kind of depressed and scared. I always end up picturing it like I'm drowning in myself, and it comes with a feeling of desperation. I guess not thinking about it is better.
Well who would want to die of cancer or any other genetic inheritance that was thrust upon us?