Is it normal to be afraid of eating alone in public?

For some reason the thought of having to eat by myself in a public place terrifies me. If I have nobody to eat with, I will always order the food to go, because I feel like if people see me eating alone they will judge me for it. I'm also afraid that people I'm acquainted with will see me eating by myself and make fun of me for it. I know it sounds stupid, but it just bothers me so much and I don't even know why. Is this normal?

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83% Normal
Based on 108 votes (90 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • RinTin

    I feel uncomfortable eating alone because I think everyone is watching me eat and if I spill something or do something stupid they'll see it.

    I'd only feel like a loser if I went to a restaurant and ate by myself.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's understandable and having someone with you does add some form of Security. Why don't you eat out with your friend(s)?

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  • myownopinions

    No. The sad truth is that nobody is watching you and nobody cares. You should lighten up a bit and not care too much about what other people think.

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    • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress


      most people are busy with their own meals.

      and even if they did judge you... what will it do? Nothing. it's not like they're going to punch you for getting a meal alone.

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  • bigtoy

    In Latin, of verbs that are associated with eating the one that is most used for this act doesn't especifically refer to eating. Cumere just means to be with other people.
    I'm sure you'll know from experience that if you invite people round to your house you end up either eating or drinking. The romans considered the two practices completely interlinked. You eat with other people and when you are with other people you eat. They realized many centuries ago that the pleasure in eating is being with other people. Makes sense to me - I'd prefer to go hungry than eat on my own!

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  • i always seem to wipe my face every time i take a bite when i am in a cafe even if i have got something that does not make a mess then i look around to make sure nobody is looking at me i will even look in a mirror if one is on the wall to make sure i did not get something on my face.

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  • Wrest216

    i always think that other people will feel sorry for me because i am all alone and DONT HAVE ANY FRIENDS! Even though i do, i just like eating in silence or eating and reading a book sometimes. So its ok to eat by yourself. I work in a restraunt, and people always come in by themselves to eat. DOnt worry about it too much.

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  • See I never felt or thought this was weird at all, I seem to be in the minority on this though.

    Maybe I trolled so hard I trolled everyone away from me. Will you go out to eat with me?

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  • bittersweet21

    Honestly no one is watching you eat lol Everyone is busy thinking and worrying about themselves! :) And other people are probably worried that you are judging THEM. So relax ;)

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  • I actually avoid eating with people all the time because watching people eat is gross.

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  • kellstar79

    I've been to the movies by myself b4 and it was awesome! No one stole my popcorn! Never gone to a restraint though and eaten alone although I'd have no problem with it. I actually hate eating in front of a food court with lots of people, I'd rather eat alone

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  • lc1988

    I couldn't do it either.

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  • Neon.s

    Yes, I feel like they are gossip me. why do you come alone?, don't you have any friend? and they're talking about me to their friend and laughing that make me mad sometime.

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