Is it normal to be afraid of extreme density?

I used to have dreams, as a child, of extreme density or even density of noise i.e. lots of voices talking in low tones over eachother. I had dreams of thick tire rubber and the size of the molecules inside (incredibly small and dense). I have this sense of this density which has some kind of sinister, universal energy or properties. It haunts me. Is this normal?

Voting Results
31% Normal
Based on 58 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Brickinit

    Crazy... I get this feeling when I'm awake sometimes that happened in a dream once before. I dunno how to describe it other than the air around me, or atmosphere feels like I'm being pushed in softly but firmly from all directions, like an all round pressure, things start to sound weird, you could say more clearly but with an echo, i feel slightly displaced and panicked, like in slow motion but my mind racing, thinking really quickly... Sort of in limbo. The first time it ever happened was in a dream as i said, it was just a picture dream, a still of a dark, wet ally with garbage cans in great detail... Not like my other dreams which seem to be soft and sort of fuzzy. I felt this dense pressure that made me feel alot smaller than i was, then lots of low echoing noises overlapping and a slight feeling of dread. Then i woke up. I only ever had the dream once, but get the same sort of feeling when I'm awake sometimes, not very often and not as strong. Normally when I'm on my own, being idle and not really thinking of much, i feel it come, then i know its there, then i feel it go, it feels like euphoria, but not a good euphoria... Its weird:/

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  • dappled

    Me too, although for me, it was when I was learning about neutron stars. I actually felt sick!

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  • Renegade216

    Imagine the core of a black hole. So dense that it would crush every cell/atom in your body to a size smaller than what could be observed under a microscope. Now thats freaky.

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    • hello)(there

      Not just a microscope, a black hole has infinite gravity, so it crushes things so small that no possible thing could ever pass through, literally.

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  • saduJ18

    Fuck no it's not normal, but me too! Started with an extremely high fever at about age 6

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  • NotFloydzie

    Where do you think these dreams come from?

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