Is it normal to be afraid of facebook?

Like I'm not scared of the website itself. But the idea of people looking at my pictures and statuses and judging me based on my number of likes/friends/ect. gives me anxiety. I remember being in middle school going on myspace with my friends clicking on pictures and hearing them just rip people apart. I know I'm not the prettiest or most social person but I think having a Facebook would just confirm how invisible I am and bring my self esteem down even farther. I tell people that I simply don't care for facebook but deep down I know its weird that my 8 year old brother has one and I don't

Voting Results
83% Normal
Based on 71 votes (59 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Mando

    I agree with you. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting privacy and not making an exhibition of your life. I think you are confusing the attention-seeking of making a big display of oneself with having confidence.

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  • Justsomejerk

    I don't have it either, I have enough things to do and an IIN addiction to feed without giving my pictures to spacebook.

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    • iin2want2know

      Sooo true, IIN is like crack cocaine to me. LOL :-D

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  • And the government uses it to track you!

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  • iin2want2know

    I'm the only one in my circle of friends who does not use Facebook or Twitter. I enjoy my privacy. So I voted normal. Don't fold under peer pressure...I haven't.

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    • davesumba

      i hate facebook and everything it stands for, but i still have one just in case a friend wants to get a hold of me. So what i do is just hide absolutely everything from everyone, so all you can see on my page is a profile picture of me and my name, then it's not such a big deal to me.

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      • iin2want2know

        I won't lie...there have been a few times that I've been tempted to open an account. I would use it to voice my opinions while watching the news, Dateline, 20/20, & 60 minutes. I guess I'll just stick here with my anonymous friends

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    • PapzBSlim

      I also am the same way. Only one of my friends and family who do not use it. My mother and father 57 and 50 even have one. My girlfriend has one and is trapped in this circle. I do not try and tell people to not have it, I just let them know it feels great to not have Facebook and have privacy. They usually say something about it having privacy settings so only some people can see what you have posted but I do not see the point in having it at all.

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      • iin2want2know

        Like us on Facebook here, like us on Facebook there, like us on Facebook everywhere. Who cares? I sure as hell don't. Oh and my favorite thing is when my friends try to recruit me. WTF, are they on commission?

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        • PapzBSlim

          Lol all the Facebook users seem to be the same. They even use the same excuse as to why the necessity of the site.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    I don't use Facebook either. It's not a big deal. It's probably best u don't anyway after all I've heard about conspiracy theories.

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  • no facebook is just another DRUG for ppl this "is-it-normal is a drug for dumb asses/teens/kids", to where it fucks you up and makes them mad and i dont care like it says if your not 18teen your ass doesn't belong on here if you don't wanna be mad keep your troll talk to your self or i'll piss you off.

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  • SeverusFan23


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  • Zeldamaniac2

    I'm afraid of a lot of things because of Pedifiles but I joined this site because I thought it would work out

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    • iin2want2know

      People here are pretty Kewl. Ignore the trolls & watch your spelling/grammar and you should be ok.

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  • randypete

    its only what you tell them don't tell every thing

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