Is it normal to be afraid of falling in love?

I don't know if it's a phobia, or if such things exist, but everytime I begin to fall for someone, I get scared. It's not that I'm afraid of that person leaving me or disappearing from my life, its the fear of liking 'too many guys'. I don't know what's wrong with me, but sometimes, I try not to get attracted to people because i feel that I'm being a bit obsessive. Honestly, i keep track of how many people I've liked and it's only been around 7-8 guys in the 18 years that I've lived. BUT if i counted ALL the guys that I refused to consider as crushes/interests, it'd round up to 20 to 30+ guys. Oh gosh, i sound like a weirdo. Lol I just can't like someone w/out thinking about the amount of guys I've liked in the past.
Cause personally, i think it's weird. LOL

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78% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • It takes strength to love; mere weakness to clam up and view man with scorn. It's normal to feel this way.

    But you have to understand that any chance of progress comes with inherent risk. The person who gambles nothing, gains nothing.

    -The Book of Valkeer, Chapter 5, Verses 23-24

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    • DanishGirl

      well said!

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Jesus, stop dramatising would you!

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  • rock192

    im afraid to fall in love too. i broke up with my boyfriend because i started to fall in love and now i feel like i made a bad decision...

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  • suishokiba

    it's normal for someone to have a lot of crushes. it's also normal, to fall in love with more than one person. but at the end, you will have to choose who you want to be with the most. who makes you truly happy. who you are both, sexually and emotionally attracted to. it's okay to like more than one person, as long as you can choose one and be happy with just that person.

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