Is it normal to be afraid of fish?

Okay for a really long time now i have had the worst fear ever, of fish. I mean, I'm not scared of fish that would be in a fish tank. I'm scared of fish in ponds, lakes, rivers, or oceans. I have been water skiing, boating, tubing, wake boarding. And a lot of other things.. But, When i fall down and wait for the boat to come pick me up.. I am scared a fish is going to come out of no where, and carry me to the depths of the lake, river, ect. So then i start to panic like, "HURRY UP GUYS!!!" I literally freak? But, I love to swim. Even if I'm in a pool i get nervous about fish.. Someone please tell me.. Is this normal?

Voting Results
40% Normal
Based on 149 votes (60 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    Yes Jaws was a very scary movie.

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  • Archbang

    maybe a phobia.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Though not sure how many fish will carry you off deep sea current can pull you out to sea. Sometimes you do not know where these currents are at in the ocean. So you have to be careful when you go swimming in the sea.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Some waters even have parasites which can get in your system without you realizing it. So some places you can not swim in. Some raw snails and fish can give you parasites if prepared wrong or you eat them. If you do not prepare blow fish the right way you can Poison yourself.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Only if they are sharks, Piranha, barracuda, or catfish. Also stay away from stingrays, eels, and jellyfish. Killer whales have teeth and like to eat seals. So many creatures of the sea that can hurt us. They also have snakes that swim in the water and anaconda can swim in water as well. Sea urchin, anenime, and other sea creatures that live but look like plants. Sea anenime can shock you but clown fish like to hide in them. It gives them some protection. So yes this is very normal. Not all fish can hurt you though.

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    i do not swim in the sea due to watching jaws but in a public pool no problem .

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  • capcrunch6

    Because we all know that the pet store goldfish will eat you alive.

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    • KayleneCarol

      Honestly if you would have read my paragraph more thoroughly then you would have seen that fish in tanks don't scare me. But, Thanks for the comment douche.

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  • brunetteheadswillrule

    It may be a phobia. I am terrified of some insects.

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  • Coolieo

    Of course! Ahaha, why not? You can be afraid of anything! A few weeks ago I was sitting in my chair and suddenly something crawled up my leg. IT WAS A SPIDER!! AHH DX To this day... I do not know where it went. X D

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