Is it normal to be afraid of how violently loud public toilet's flush?

Back then, this used to happen to me a lot. Whenever I would go to use the bathroom that's somewhere public, like let's say the movies.. When I'm in the stall I'm terrified of flushing the toilet because I always feel so trapped in the space that the stall offers and I can always feel the violent flush of the toilet throwing itself towards me. I would usually kick the switch to flush the toilet while covering my ears and backing towards the door so I could be away from it as possible without uncovering my ears. Now that I'm somewhat over it, when I look back I wonder if it was normal or not? Possible some sort of phobia or something along those lines?

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63% Normal
Based on 100 votes (63 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Lawliet

    I have a similar issue sometimes if the stalls are very small, but I was much more afraid of it when I was younger. I think it's pretty normal, "violently" is the perfect way to describe how they sound!

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  • earthrickc137

    The degree to which I have this fear (I'm an adult) isn't, though. For some reason I just never got over it. The sight of most public toilets is enough to make me feel claustrophobic, especially if they're the kind where a pipe connects to the wall instead of there being a visible water tank. Automatic toilets are twice as bad. I refuse to use one, creepy fucking things. After a lot of google searching, I found a lot of people (including adults) have this phobia. I may go to a therapist someday. It's bad enough that the worst part about getting a new job for me is dreading having to use the new bathrooms (or pussing out and going to a more familiar toilet on my lunch break).

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  • Avant-Garde

    When I was a small child, I apparently developed a serious fear of public toilets due to the loudness of the toilets at McDonalds. Though, now I question that slightly...

    If you find this fear debilitating, you might want to consult a therapist who specialises in Phobias.

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  • Moneybagschest

    Did you get potty trained as a child?

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  • ellie06

    Normal. The nurses bathroom at my elementary school had such a violent flush. I have the same problem with automatic flush toilets

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  • takenotes

    Guys, my problem isn't that like it doesn't flush at the "appropriate" time for when I want it to, the fear is that whenever I'm in the stall and it's such a small space, the sound of the flush just completely fills the whole space and it's so loud it scares me. So i would kick the flush switch and cover tf out of my ears!

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  • the_misty_haze

    My five year old has this phobia. Id have to do some serious convincing if I knew he really had to go and we were in a place with a toilet he was not familiar with. He would cry like he was being murdered. I guess I can see a adult having this in a extent. I personally agree with the automated flush phobia especially when it goes off before I'm even finished.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Normal. I had a similar problem when I was a kid. Now my phobia has moved on to automatic flush toilets.

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    • GuessWho

      I hate those. They always flush before and not after.

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  • Haha..for serious?

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    • takenotes

      Yeah, like no joke >.< Back then it was just so loud and the sound just digs into my ears aslfjbdkjvdf

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      • I don't even flush public toilets, sometimes i just piss all over the floor and's not like anyone can stop or catch you, it's very liberating.

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        • PattyTheSailor

          That's easy for men to say. They could just take out their weenies and piss while women deal with the curse of having a pussy.

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  • dappled

    I had a similar phobia. I thought the toilet would block and the water would keep rising up until it filled the whole room and I was just breathing from a little bubble of air on the ceiling.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Help someone open the bathroom door.

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      • dappled

        Heh! Either that or you and I can keep emergency SCUBA diving kits. I'm actually a bit scared just at the thought of this. :/

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        • robbieforgotpw

          It's ok. Try not to think about it, go to your happy place.

          I cover my ears when flushing one of those violent commercial strength crappers and I move back because it seems like you could be soaked.

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