Is it normal to be afraid of inanimate objects in water?

Ever since I can remember I've been terrified of inanimate objects that were in or near water; it mostly happens with statues and animatronics. For example, a lot of the rides at Disney, such as Splash Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, and the Jungle Cruise, scare me to death because of the statues that are in the water. I'm not afraid of being electrocuted or anything like that. I'm just really scared of them, the kind of scared where it's hard to move. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I've been searching my whole life for someone else who has this fear.

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36% Normal
Based on 61 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • SangoNyappy

    For some reason I have been afraid of anything in water since I was child even though I love swimming so I think it is normal

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  • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

    You probably are missing some valuable information that is repressed by your subconscious.

    Not to scare you but it probably has something to do with inanimate objects in the water. Some sort of trauma that happened when you were small that your mind repressed in order for you to forget....

    But you still feel it.

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  • penguin1

    It doesn't sound strange. If you're afraid, you're afraid. If it keeps you from doing things you should talk to a counselor or someone about it.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    that's just fucking wierds

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