Is it normal to be afraid of living a normal life?

My greatest fear in life is finding a career, getting a wife, having kids, and settling down. I hate this world with every waking moment that I live. I want people and myself to want to live, but so many strive for a goal I despise. Is this something anyone else feels?

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 53 votes (43 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Normal for some people, some never want any of that, i certainly don't.

    Live on the edge until you die.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Well a job or career is a good thing. No one says you have to get married and have kids and all that horseshit. Don't if you don't want to. But don't fear something that your not forced to do.

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  • You don't have/want to do shit you dont'want to.

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  • blacklabelbeeryum

    Dude you sound like jigsaw from saw, you can't bear people living for the reasons they do. I agree with yellowtapebottle! Being normal makes you feel inadequate, you want more you want people to want more. You need to relax and realise that having a family, a career and settling down is more that what most people achieve in their lives

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  • fuck.with.the.stars

    fuck normal. just u kno, dnt get too reckless

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  • Avant-Garde

    A job/career is good thing, but you don't have to get hitched and impregnate anyone if you don't want to.

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  • yellowtapebottle

    Its normal to feel this one. This could be caused by a desire to live for something more, feeling inadequate with what the usual life would have to offer. Keep your head up though and be confident about what you can achieve.

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  • Unimportant

    Very normal at a certain age.

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