Is it normal to be afraid of looking strange to other people?

I am afraid of being in the centre of attention because a lot of people would be looking at me. When I see people looking at me, I start thinking that there's a big possibility that one of them, or even more people, think that I look strange or I'm some kind of weirdo. After thoughts like that I start sweating, feeling nervous, feeling uncomfortable. I start to panic, though I understand that it's probably not true and people don't even care about me. But still, crazy thoughts like that make me panic. The same happens when I walk down the street and I notice that someone is staring at me. I start thinking that my hair, legs, arms or something else looks not normal to that person and I start to panic. I always walk with my hands inside my pockets so people can't see them and think that they look strange. I avoid places where I felt panic. So, I don't go out anymore. At first I thought that it's some kind of phobia when you're afraid of being stared at. But I'm actually not afraid of people's sight. I'm afraid of people's possible thoughts that I'm not normal/strange/weird. All this sh*t started when I moved to another country. Environment changed, my house changed, my friends changed, everything changed.. That's probably what caused this. But I'm not sure... Should I go to the hospital and talk with psychologist? Can you give me any advices? And.. Is it normal?

P.S. Sorry for my English. It's not my first language.

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79% Normal
Based on 39 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • *~ThePurplePixie~*

    Before we start - your English is great! It's probably better than mine, and I was born in England!

    Yeah, it's common enough to feel like that. But the truth is, not ond person will be looking at you that way, it just wouldn't be possible.
    Most of us are in a little world of our own where we just think of our own things - we never really notice things like that. Do you look at other people and think that they look like weirdos?

    A way to help with this problem is to imagine people either on the toilet, or in their underwear. It's a little way to reassure you that they aren't perfect either! Hope this works!

    Good luck!


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    • Ükskakspum

      I don't look at other people and don't think they are weird. And I understand that no-one is looking at me that way, but I just feel that they do.

      Haha, that's a hilarious advice. I don't think that would help because I'm afraid to look at strangers and be noticed. Thanks for your intention to help anyway.

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      • *~ThePurplePixie~*

        You don't have to look at them! Just observe them beneath your eyelashes!

        In this situation, what would be your ideal outcome? Would you like to be able to go out without worrying? It can help to think of what you want you would like to happen, so as to find an outcome close to your desired one.


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        • Ükskakspum

          Hmm.. I don't even know. I've been this way for almost 2 years now and I got used to be caged inside my house. I never liked going out too much so this fear is not a big problem for me. But it's very uncomfortable when I need to go to college, shopping, etc. It also becomes a problem when I talk to people. I fail a lot when I talk and then I start to panic. It's really hard to talk to people I don't know well. So, what I would like to happen is to able to go out without worrying and to talk to people easily.

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          • *~ThePurplePixie~*

            It seems as if you could be showing some symptoms of agraphobia (fear of being in crowds, or talking to others) which could grow more serious over time.

            Perhaps it could be because you aren't speaking your native language, and talking in English publicly adds extra pressure?

            Either way, maybe taking therapy or counselling coukd help - just talking about your issues with someone. Most therapists are very kind, understanding people who are happy to listen, and it might be helpful.

            Did you have these problems when you spoke your first language?

            Where are you from? You speak beautiful English!


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            • Ükskakspum

              Yea, it does add extra pressure.

              It would be hard to explain all this to a therapist. My English isn't as good as it looks. My grammar is good, as you can see, but I don't speak well in English. I need to think a lot before talking. So I should probably write everything down on a paper and then read it to the therapist.

              I still speak in my first language with my family and my friends. I also know few people in my town who speak my first language and speaking with them is not as hard as speaking in English. But I still feel the pressure.

              I was born in Lithuania, but now I live in East Midlands of England. I learned English basics in Lithuania. I also went to English school and passed my ESOL Level 3 exams. So it is quite good.

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  • joybird

    Each person is normally lost in their own thoughts so they are not thinking about the stranger that is walking towards them.

    Trust me, your fears are unfounded.

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