Is it normal to be afraid of mirrors?

I hate having to look at mirrors, especially at night. I'm afraid that my reflection will do something different to me or if I look up after washing my hands there will be a murderer stood beside me. I also can't stare at a mirror closely for too long because it starts to feel like I'm staring at someone else rather than myself. Also, I have watched the film Mirrors and it's not because of that. The film didn't scare me and my fears started before I watched it. Is anyone else scared of mirrors and is it normal?

Voting Results
52% Normal
Based on 52 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )

    i just hate looking at my reflection

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  • Lacey101

    I can't look in mirrors at night, either. I don't know if it's normal, but you're not alone.

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  • KillerWombat

    I get freaked out at mirrors when I'm sleep-deprived. I'm afraid that I'll hallucinate some kind of scary shit because I haven't been getting enough sleep. And I don't know.. mirrors do have quite a lot of potential to be creepy. So no, you're not alone. :)

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  • hairyfairy

    I can`t stand mirrors either, because I always see something that scares me, my face!

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  • Redsfan192

    No, it's not normal. This is a very odd fear. I'm assuming you watch many horror movies?

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  • fireballer216

    Ever since i've seen the killer pops behind you cliché in all the horror movies I watch, I freak out about that too! whenever I wash my face and look up, Im afraid ill see michel myers or jason behind me.

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  • Isabella80s

    Ha ha, I've had that fear of seeing someone/something scary there too! For me it's just a silly, fleeting thought - I can get over it and still use the mirror normally, but I do get what you mean. If it's giving you a serious phobia of mirrors then you should try and deal with it now before it gets worse. I've looked in the mirror for a really long time before to actually try and get that feeling of looking at someone else, just for fun really... yeah.

    Also, I don't watch scary films/movies because I know I'll get all silly and paranoid afterwards.

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  • kyanviado

    What did you really see in the mirror to give you this feae

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Yes! I feel that same way! I always have to keep my mirror in my bedroom turned around at night.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Ever since I was a little kid I was wary around mirrors, and dark television screens. I would go downstairs late at night when my mom would sleep on the couch, and I would think I saw shadows of people or dogs or things that weren't there in the old tv. Haven't liked mirrors ever since.

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  • NotFloydzie

    I think you're watching too many scary movies.

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    • I don't think I do because I don't get scared of horror films but you could be right. Maybe I don't get scared until after I've finished watching it haha

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