Is it normal to be afraid of my coworker
She is incredibly intimidating, dominating, and quick. She’s young, Masters degree graduate. She’s mean as a snake and twice as likely to snap at you. Everyone seems to walk on eggshells around her because she just makes you feel so insecure and can talk circles around anyone.
She has sent 2 of the other girls here home in tears and one guy. I just feel like it’s unfair that we have to put up with the bullying. She’s excellent at her job, of course cause she’s “perfect” and has the uppers wrapped around her finger. The second I catch her slipping up I’m going to use it.
I know one guy turned her alpha attitude into a kink to cope with it, clever. If the circumstance were different it would be hot as fuck. Gives me pressure to complete my PhD faster to one up her.
Edit. Holy shit she’s like Dio from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.