Is it normal to be afraid of my parents?

is it normal that im terrified of my parents? like if, for example, i slip up and ask something obvious i start to worry that theyll hit me or something. i asked some friends about this and they said their relationship with their parents was pretty smooth. are my friends' parents too easy on them?
edit: for a little more context yes they have hit me in past a couple of times, not too many but enough to be a little scared. they also like to threaten me a lot. i suspected this wasnt normal but i was just making sure, because thats just the way i was raised and its hard to tell when things are and arent okay in these situations.

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5% Normal
Based on 21 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • SwickDinging

    I was scared of my parents.

    I was 18 when I realised how abnormal it is.

    Your parents are abusive. I'm sorry. Obviously if things get really bad you can always go to the police, but in the meantime I would be focusing on building a great future for yourself. Getting excellent grades in school is a good start. You could also learn a trade.

    Basically anything that will set you up to be independent as soon as possible. You want to be in position where you can leave their home, and hopefully be able to save money as well so that you always have your own safety net. Don't rely on them for anything.

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    • Grunewald

      Totally agree. That's what I've done. Minus the safety net because subbing as a teacher doesn't pay well.

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      • SwickDinging

        Yeah, I've heard the money isn't great... but, on the plus side, you chose an extremely reliable job that goes wherever you go. It's not very likely that you'll ever really struggle to find paid employment, even if it's temp stuff.

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        • Grunewald

          That's true...

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  • RoseIsabella

    From what you've shared your parents sound abusive.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I use to be terrified of my dad because he was so unpredictable. I could burn the house down and he'd say ahhh dont worry about it. But then if I told my mom "hold on" he'd lose his shit.

    I notice that puts more fear in you when u have no idea whats gonna make them lose it. Feels like walking on egg shells.

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  • mouldiwarp

    Hard to say- I’ve never not been afraid of my dad.

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  • greekfish

    No I don’t believe that this is normal. You said that you start to feel worried your parents will hit you if you slip up. Have they done this in the past or done something that would make you fear that reaction from them? I think a little more context would be needed here. Your parents would’ve had to have done something in the past to cause you to be afraid of them. And if not, what are you worried about? If there is something bad going on with your parents, perhaps you need greater help than from people on the internet.

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  • sweetone89

    There is something wrong with your parents. No one should ever be afraid of anyone.

    Your parents need help to deal with their anger.

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  • darefu

    If you're old enough to be on this site then pack your bags and get the f out.

    I get really tired of hearing the whinny babies on here complain about their parents.

    Parents are people too. How do you treat them?
    If you're the 28 year old troll living in their basement on their dime. Then they have done their job and it's time for you to take on the responsibility and grow up.

    If you're under 18 you shouldn't be on here, however, I'll give you credit for looking for help.

    I moved out at 16, apologized to my parents at age 25 for being such a pain. Teens have a tendency to think they know everything and have the world by the tail.

    Consider your options, relatives or friends. If they are truly abusive and your under 15 let somebody(teacher, minister) know.

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