Is it normal to be afraid of pain?

I am afraid of pain. Hurtful words or getting a spot with a needle. Pain is scary. Is this normal?

Voting Results
96% Normal
Based on 75 votes (72 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • RoseIsabella

    It's normal to not enjoy pain and not want to experience pain. What isn't normal is to be obsessively afraid of pain or possible pain. I don't know for sure that you're obsessing about this but the issue must be pretty serious if your asking if it's normal. I wonder if you've ever had a traumatic experience that involved a lot of physical pain that is causing all this anxiety; perhaps an illness or injury?

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    • Purplepassion2

      I have been hurt a lot involving a lot of physical pain. It caused me to be depressed.

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      • RoseIsabella

        That's understandable. Most of the pain in my life has been emotional but last year I started developing some Fibromyalgia type symptoms. My Rheumatologist told me I have Myofascial pain.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I'm terrified of pain too.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Normal. Most people wouldn't want to deal with pain either.

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  • Nephew7

    One of those questions that are painfully obvious.

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  • isitnormalgirl

    I am scared of losing finger,arm,leg whenever i get hurt and im scared i will also feel the pain but i dont think i have the phobia but it looks like you do maybe you should need some help and hopefully it will get better

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  • SplinterWingz

    Pain is all in your mind. I have no issue with stabbing needles into say blood blisters and ripping them open or cutting them off with scissors.
    I have a high pain tolerance though so I dont find it all that bad to chop bits of my body up.
    Hell I even enjoy it, i'm a masochist/sadist so i suppose it's all good.. For me! >D

    P.s. You've not experienced pain until you've fallen down an up escalator or broken/dislocated a bone at the same time

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  • _Molotov_Cocktail_

    You don't know true pain until you have recieved a thousand pieces of glass shrapnel from a Molotov cocktail in your face. If anyone wants to go through the experience I would be happy to oblige.

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  • Matter_and_Energy

    RoseIsabella is spot on. I think everyone dreads pain, some fear less intense pain than others but if it's disrupting your normal life you might have a problem.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Hurtful words or getting a spot with a needle??? Those things don't register on my scale of pain.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    PAin pain go away never come back again.

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  • Shackleford96

    I think that is most people, yes. Though some won't admit it, and others have even been conditioned to not be sensitive to it, so it doesn't bother them.

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  • BlackJohnnylicious

    y00 next tim u sh00t up heroin do it sl0wly nigga

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