Is it normal to be afraid of people about to vomit/are vomiting?

I have always been highly nervous and actually freakishly terrified of people who I see are about to vomit/ who are vomiting in general. Don't ask me what kind of fear this is (does it have a name???) but I have always had it and it just makes me feel left out from everyone as everyone well mostly everyone is okay with people vomiting so please answer this somebody thanks!!! oxo

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72% Normal
Based on 25 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Emetophobia, but depending on how strong it is Revulsion to puke is normal, it's embedded in our psyche through years of evolution

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  • jsnpq

    Normal. Its an instinctual fear of disease.

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  • GmbYzi

    Well, I think I may have that fear... I don't call it "fear" though, I mean it's just... "Disgust" to me... you know? (I do end up helping them though!)

    It's okay though, I think it's normal.

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  • RoseIsabella

    No binge drinking for you, huh?

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  • Aries

    It doesn't really bother me all too much although I don't sit there and study it after . I just sort of view it and look off but I will say , even though I feel bad for the person because to puke they must feel ill in some way .. I find it pretty hilarious , the action of it when someone just randomly throws up because it's so abrupt a lot of times . I find it funny more so when drunk people puke as it's hard to laugh when someone is sick because the poor person must feel so terrible and the drunk person , well ... they brought it on themselves more or less .

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  • icameintoablackmansass

    My girlfriend is like this even though she just recently puked all over the damn floor.

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