Is it normal to be afraid of people reading my thoughts?

I am always afraid people can hear what I'm thinking. If I am talking to someone I'll control my thoughts so they don't hear everything, and if I see someone looking at me I'll always be afraid they can hear what I'm thinking so I control my thoughts then. Sometimes I feel like I have to control my thoughts even if I'm alone, because someone might be able to hear. Is this normal or am I just going crazy? It feels like I am crazy already.

Voting Results
59% Normal
Based on 63 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • If people can hear you thinking, then you're being too loud. Shhhhhh! Other people are thinking too, have some respect for the thoughts of others.

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  • quest123456

    I think like this sometimes too, but I know rationally that they can't, so I'm ok with it.

    But people CAN sense what we're feeling, and if your thoughts are a constant reflection of your feelings, and if someone picks up on those thoughts, you may incorrectly infer that they "read your mind". --But they didn't. We humans have and give off a sixth sense and that's related more so to our feelings about each other than anything else. Like when you just feel someone starring at you even though your back is turned, and you turn and see that they ARE looking at you. Stuff like that.

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  • Unicron

    Maybe it's you feeling guilty over bad or embarrassing thoughts?
    I used to feel the same.

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  • I know they can't hear, it's just I feel like they can - my common sense is overruled.

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  • UnwrittenPoet94

    No, thats normal. Like when I'm sitting in class and the teacher asks a question that I don't know the answer to, I'm thinking "DON'T CALL ON ME" as hard as I possibly can, hoping they'll recieve it but it always backfires. LOL. Also when I think dirty thoughts...It feels like other people can hear them and I feel all guilty. So if you're not normal, then neither am I! Hahaha.

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  • dickwashington

    i used to think the same thing except not so extreme mostly just girls when i was thinking about how i wanna get in the pants and what not you know what im sayin awkward

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  • yourbiggestfan

    not me. i think of everything with out giving a fuck. im in science class thinking about this sexy guy for the whole hour not even giving fuck think freely because my mind is safe and so is everyone elses and if even by the possibilty that someone could read your thoughts who gives a fuck thur problem not mine

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  • Ilovethearcticmonkeys

    I do that. I think about them being able to read my thoughts and then I think about there reaction to that, then I fuck up and think something embarrassing or sexual. I do it mostly when I'm alone though.

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  • Honestly.... that is grand paranoia

    Thinking this way will seriously affect the quality of your life. Maybe you should go ask a doctor for an assessment. There is medication that can help with paranoid thoughts.

    It's insane and you know it.

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  • Shackleford96

    Maybe you should learn how to shield your mind from them? I'm not talking about aluminum foil either...

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