Is it normal to be afraid of people who are coughing or sneezing?
Especially when they don't cover their mouths and noses. Especially in an elevator or bus or any other confined or indoor area?
I will run away if I'm in a store. If I'm in line I will go to another checkout, and if I'm on the bus I will move to another seat and open a window. If I am in an elevator I will hold my breath.
I wash my hands after being in public and I carry hand sanitizer and use it after handling money or doorknobs, or shaking hands (my hands are not dry or raw from over-washing). I never eat food that others have handled without gloves unless I am related to them and know they washed their hands. I rarely eat at restaurants and I never share drinks or any utensils or personal tools ever. I also carry a "just in case" doctor's mask (though I have never had to use it).
I used to get sick a lot as a child but since using this technique I seem to not catch as many communicable diseases.
Does anyone else do this, and could it be considered rude behavior?
If we all did this wouldn't it hugely cut down on the spread of many common communicable diseases and illnesses?
Do you think it's normal?