Is it normal to be afraid of pooping?

Sometimes I drink very heavily and eat very spicy food. is it normal that I pace around the next day in anticipation - no, TERROR when my bowels tell me it's time to poop? It's not as bad as a panic attack but I get very anxious. After I'm done, I look at my pile in the toilet and wish I could have it back. Normal?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • No, your body is finished with it. It's okay to let it go - there'll be more eventually.

    I thought maybe your fear was of the burn on the way out; which would be a legitimate fear as it can be quite painful.

    Try to enjoy the light feeling of thoroughly evacuating your bowels and flush that shit away.

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  • et12356

    What kind is it?

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    • Pwnfacertwn


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