Is it normal to be afraid of red nail polish?

Ok. So, I don't like polished red nails and it kinda scares me and don't want to be touched by anyone with them. I used to afraid of nail polish all round but got used to most of the colors except for of course, red. Is it normal?

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59% Normal
Based on 82 votes (48 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Devyn

    I guess a fear of the colour red is somewhat rational. It's the colour of blood and people bleeding often means danger. However you need to realise that a fear of red nails is completely irrational, try to ignore it when around people.

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  • Kew1120

    It's not normal to be afraid of it. However, it can be confused for blood. Once, you know what it is you can get over it. Red is not something that I would recommend to a beginner. This is bad if you a guy wearing this, for the first time. Red is Feminine and you could get mad fun of for it. However, if you dealt with it for a while. You'll build up a tolerance for it. You may like it over time. With that said other colors are cool too.

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  • Justmehere

    Red is a very sexy, sensual color, and red nails are hot as hell. Sounds to me like you maybe equate red nails with sex, or something sexual that you're afraid of..Power, maybe? Women with red nails are confident, sexually aggressive, and usually get what they want. Maybe you're hang-up is about being powerless to women with red nail polish?

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  • Hollolly

    My nan's mum, said that red nail polish was for prodstitutes only.. she was a lil bit wierd btw

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  • VioletTrees

    Hmm. Do you feel like your fear gets in the way of your life? Does it get between you and your goals?

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  • TheBunnie

    You'd be afraid of me! XD;

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yes red is evil.

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