Is it normal to be afraid of some sort of higher being?

I was raised Methodist Christian and I've never had any bad experiences with religion, but the thought of a diety watching over me really freaks me out and raises my stress levels a lot. I feel guilty even though I haven't done anything wrong.

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49% Normal
Based on 41 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • CozmoWank

    I used to be afraid that my dead relatives would watch me jack off.

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    • MetalFanNo1

      Amen to that, brother! After my grandad died when I was like 13 I was so paranoid that he was watching me touch my Willy in the night.

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  • Royalburden

    No need to be afraid of what doesn't exist, mate.

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  • Silverback133

    Religion complicates and ruins the idea of God for many people. A higher being is in us and all round us. You see it in the shapes and patterns of nature. Our limited human perspectives can't even fathom the scope of what kind of life force keeps everything thriving and is the creator of consciousness.

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  • linchpin

    yeah I'm afraid of higher beings too

    like that meth junkie on the corner of my block

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  • scratch_card

    Whether or not a deity is or is not watching over you is a moot point because it doesn't matter what you feel.

    If no one is watching and you feel fear

    and if God is watching and you feel fear

    then the result is the same.

    If no one is watching and you feel are not afraid

    and if God is watching and you feel are not afraid

    What you feel cannot possibly change this outcome.

    Really the NSA, Anonymous and other organisations record our conversations and emails to be used against us in the future.

    Even Google and Facebook do the same, whenever you use those sites they are always watching.

    In fact isitnormal is tracing everything you type to your email and then storing the information away for safe keeping.

    As you typed your question, they have been watching over you.

    This is our reality.

    Now it's your choice, to be fearful or fearless.

    No matter what they do you never have to be afraid.

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  • Avant-Garde

    *Chi as in child.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I too can relate. When I was a chi I was raised Christian. The beliefs that were instilled in me caused me A LOT of stress and dare I say, trauma? I was told that this "god" being watch me all the time, even when I was bathing or using the bathroom. I was told that I would go to hell and that "god" would personally kill me if I ever didn't do what an adult said, broke the law, etc. At one point, I thought that I was gay and I was so terrified that this "god" was going to murder me. More stress was caused when I found myself questioning his existence and no longer agreeing with the beliefs of Christianity. It took me a long to be able to comfortable think about my lack of belief and even longer, to be able to say out loud things like,"I don't believe that you exist!", (etc.) Without having to fear my imminent demise.

    I've since converted, but ever now and then I'll fear "hell" due to what a relative will say. I think you should take up meditation. It should help you find a sense of calm.

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    • richardbturgid

      Maybe you were taught religion not Christianity :)

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      • Avant-Garde

        I beg your pardon? Christianity is a religion. One of the world's most widely practiced ones. Christianity seems to be a religion where its "followers" chose to interpret it in ways that suit them, but aren't most religions like this? Are trying to pull me back into it? Are you trying to indoctrinate me, like a lot of Christians do to non-Christians?

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  • cathyt112

    I think very normal until you become a bit more aware. You should check out this document (be sure to read with a very open mind):

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  • Couman

    That's what higher beings were invented for, isn't it?

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    • Avant-Garde

      Fear and perhaps, as a "comfort" mechanism.
      There are also some cultish reasons.

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  • richardbturgid

    He is a good guy. He is watching after you, not just watching to catch u screw up :) He is a powerful friend who has your back. Hope this perspective helps!

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    • Royalburden

      Yeah and the next guy says god will smite you for being gay and having premarital sex. One thing I hate about you high and mighty Christians is you can't make up your mind. You have like 40 different versions of how God 'really' is each to fit the next person's individual need. If there were really one true god there'd only be one version of the truth. And you know what you say to this? 'It's complicated' 'God has his reasons' Which really isn't an answer. It's not a valid argument in the least. Truth is you have no clue what you're worshiping, and it's pitiful.

      Me? I have a religion it's called real fucking life. I worship the beauty of life and death as it happens on earth. My religion goes by only one truth. Shit happens, and there's really not much you can do about it. You live you die but the world keeps turning without you, and that right there is a fact that doesn't change. Take it as a good thing take it as a bad thing it doesn't matter, it is what it is.

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    • thegypsysailor

      If you are talking about some superior being, what some might call god, I don't see him "watching after" a whole lot of people. If so he's doing a pretty shitty job of having their back or being much of a friend to humanity. How many children died today, from violence, starvation and disease on this planet? Innocent children, who never had much of a chance to live, and certainly did no harm to anyone or the world.
      No, if you believe in god, then you must believe that your god is a cruel, horrible thing or just totally uncaring for humanity.

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      • richardbturgid

        What an attitude... God has his reasons. Besides there are also terrible things like rich adults like you who are more unhappy than the people you were describing who live in war torn countries and third world countries... I guess even God cant rightfully fix stupid.

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        • thegypsysailor

          I'm not at all unhappy. I just can't believe in the unjust and horrifically evil thing god would have to be to exist and allow such misery on earth.

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          • MetalFanNo1

            Without misery happiness wouldn't exist.

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            • thegypsysailor

              Some mother kills her 2 month old child; how much happiness could make up for that?

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  • $ummerknight$


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  • Dot123

    Aliens are watching over us.

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  • Grapist

    Hey op the path to salvation is to jam your thumb up strangers anus's to shock them

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